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Depression and my breakup

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Hi guys


So i had been going out with this girl for the last 6 years and for the last few months I had noticed that she had been acting out of character and it began to worry me because she was spending more time in bed than was healthy etc so then it got worse and she started drinking heavily. Then a month ago me and her mum decided to have an intervention with her to try get her help. It worked in a way as she went to the doctor and got diagnosed with depression and anxiety and is on the road to getting it sorted.


Then a few weeks ago she stopped talking to me altogether, literally one day was absolutely normal then the next just stopped talking and this went on for about a week. Then I basically called her and said that clearly she isn't in the right place to be in a relationship and she agreed she needed space and time to sort herself out but she wanted to be with me.


So now we haven't spoken for a few weeks and we are separated and she is texting other guys etc and still going out drinking. Its now no longer my business but I worry about how she is doing and am wondering when it would be best to get back into contact with her and when it might be good to try and get back together? I know I want to be with her and I know we love eachother and I'm more than comfortable to wait until she is ready and to let her do what she needs to do to be sort herself out etc.


Any advice on the problem would be greatly appreciated

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