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WTF do men really think?

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I have posted before about my FWB that has gone on for two years now.


It's been pretty much a pseudo relationship really. Two years of constant togetherness. He decided after a fight we had, that he didn't want benefits (we go back and forth all the time each breaking it off) but he always comes back.


While I am mature enough to have a FWB situation with him I don't understand him. First he actually took me on a real date which was erie (he wanted to take me to eat food from his culture) then he invited me out to met some of his closer friends as well as his brother and breifly his mother. Which was odd. He told his family about taking me to eat his food and how much I liked it and how he wanted to take me again to another one.


He always introduces me as his lady or girl. He even had a conversation in front of me with his friend about how long we have been together, how lucky he is to have... completely making it seem we are in a relationship. He even freaked when a friend of his gave me a business card so I could help him out with his business, my FWB called me the next day to yell at me about me allowing his friend to get at me.. accusing me of being a whore and said he should have taken the card from me right away...


WTF??? In the past it was the drunk I love you's and I am in love with you. Those tapered off after our fight to I love you.. but you know its as a friend.


I seriously don't know what to think about him anymore. And yes I do have feelings for him but I know not to put them in a FWB relationship especially when someone flip flops as much as he does. Any help into his brain waves?? lol

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"And yes I do have feelings for him"


of course. being called a whore is so endearing. i can see why you have feelings for him.



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Reminds me of the tv show "The Girls Next Door" I think you are more arm candy than anything.

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I seriously don't know what to think about him anymore. And yes I do have feelings for him but I know not to put them in a FWB relationship especially when someone flip flops as much as he does.


i hope you know now why guys think girls are stupid. decisions like this. leave this guy. why are you even putting up with his crap? because you like it when he flip flops and calls you a whore.

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He even freaked when a friend of his gave me a business card so I could help him out with his business, my FWB called me the next day to yell at me about me allowing his friend to get at me.. accusing me of being a whore and said he should have taken the card from me right away...


I may well be wrong, but the context in which you relayed this incident suggests that you think being called a whore by this guy is indicative of the two of you being in a relationship.


What do YOU think of the way he behaved in that particular situation?

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Woah, I said accused not called me one!! lol Perhaps I should choose my words better sorry!


He has been wonderful to me for 2 years. With me all the time. I was just trying to get a take on his motive for his posessiveness etc.


The person who said arm candy I have thought about that but parts of our friendship run very deep and we have a lot of alone time in two years. I am the one he calls first thing in the morning.. on his lunch.. on the way home.. internet all night etc. It just baffling to me and usually I can understand people and why they do things.

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I'd go with Lindya on this... sounds like you're in a relationship, but he's so commitmentphobic he doesn't even want to name it.


If you want more than FWB, this is not healthy.

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His brain waves seems to come from a possessive a$$ who's prone to bouts of jealousy and is afraid of commitments.


The business card case I would say he's in the wrong. First it was for business, unless he has proof of hanky-panky-ness, he has no right to get mad. Second FWB by definition is without exclusivity, unless you two have agreed to additional rules. So even if the purpose of the business card was to hook up for some bodily fluid exchange, without specific agreements against that, he has no right to get mad either.


If he wants you for himself, he should just get into a relationship with you. If he won't do that... then I'd say something is wrong with him.

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