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Do I really love him as much as I think?

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i have a question? is it fair for a b/f or g/f to get mad about things that you've done w/ others guys or girls sexually in the past?? EVen if they find out months down the road?? isn't "what happens in the past is in the past...i am who i am now is all that matters" ??? my bf is mad b;c he found out i had an "experience with another girl like 2 yrs ago!! hes contemplating being w/ me foe somethign in my past. he feels i lied and left out info. what should i say tp that and how should i react?

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I think that what has happened in the past, should stay in the past. I also think that things that you have chose to do in your life, is your decision and he has know say so in them. Im sure he has many things that he has kept from you and doesnt want you to ever no. Men are so different though, you really cant tell what to say or not to say. Since, that happened 2 years ago, then he has know right to judge you. Everyone goes through changes and expierences. Its your life and if he doesnt like the chioices you made in the past then he isent worth wasting your time trying to figure him out. People make mistakes and you may have just not felt comfortable enough to tell him sooner. But I do think that things like that...you should just keep to yourself. They dont need to know everything! Some things are just better left unsaid!

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How long have you been with this guy bella? I have been with my bf for 3 yrs and its only just this year that we started to trust eachother enough to lay down more of the secrets of our past.


Your boyfriend is being a little bit immature about it. Is he of the jealous type? Would he be as bothered if it was about a guy and not a girl? Is he religious? If he loves you, he needs to accept the fact that you HAD a sexual experience with a girl in the past. The point is, he has to stay in the present. You have to make him realize that that part of your life is OVER. You did it, you got past it, and you're with him now. Make sure that he knows you care about him.


No, in a way it's not fair that he is angry about something from your past. But men and women are not as different as you think. How would you feel if he had a sexual experience with another man? I believe that most women would have trouble getting past that fact too. It's just lucky for women that lesbian experiences are slightly less of a stigma than homosexual ones. Even though both sides are generally not totally respected and understood.

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