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i don't want to be suspicious....

angel eyes

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angel eyes

My boyfriend said he couldn't see me today because he wanted to do everything for next week such as cleaning his room etc, i never spying on him and i'm totally against that however i decided to call him to say i love you and for him to check his e-mail cause i sent him a cute card. the time i tried to call him he wasn't there and i don't know if he went somewhere without telling me please i'm not saying that he needs to tell me everything but why wouldn't he share it with me if he needs to go somewhere like out of town? i don't think it takes you all day to clean a small room or do laundry. i just don't want to feel that he's lying to me.

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Should you're boyfriend tell you everything he does and everywhere he goes? Can he not leave his house where you are NOT at and go get some food? Or even go see a friend of his?


Why should he "report" to you?


I doubt you tell him everywhere you go as well.


Slacken up the chain.

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