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Is love enough?

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How do you tell a person in a mental institution that you still want out?


I'd guess she's working with a doctor, counselor and/or therapist. Time to get them involved.


At the very least, I'd move my stuff, sleeping digs included, to a different part of the house. If you've indeed made up your mind, don't let this change it...


Mr. Lucky

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You don't tell her until it is determined she has regained full control of her faculties again, and is released from confinement. Then, you do so with divorce documents. Let them do your talking for you. Whatever she does after this is beyond your control and responsibility.


Don't think I don't have prior experience with lunacy following a breakup. I was the male version of Betty Broderick in a very dark part of my past. I was one trigger pull away from ending her evil life... 'nough said.


I don't know, I think telling her while she's IN confinement might be safer because there are people there to keep an eye on her and help her work through it

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Technically speaking she's in detox for narcotic addiction. They don't intend to address her depression issues at this time.



When I saw her today (first time in 5 days) it felt like the hair stood up on the back of my neck. I thought I was "OK" but I was ANGRY. Angry at her for the broken promises, for the pain our kids went through and are going through, anger at her self centeredness.



I'm thinking about telling her social worker that is coordinating her care plan. She can get the help she will need and be unable to hurt herself.

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Threatening suicide in order to keep a person around is the worst kind of manipulation there is.


You have two choices, basically - stay with her because you're afraid she'll kill herself, or tell her you still want out, that suicide is her decision and responsibility, not yours, and let the chips fall where they may.

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She has resorted to begging. Please, please can I have 1 more chance.


And she's trying to guilt me by saying that it's my fault she didn't change, this blindsided her, she thought things were great. Yet, we fought at least once a week, up to 4 or 5 nights a week.


And she has adamantly denied being manipulative. Yet, as you say... nothing is more manipulative than a soft attempt at suicide.

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What a pain in the arse. I wouldn't know what to do with a person like that. I really feel for you.


I remember when I was ending things with my ex-husband years ago. We had already talked about it a great deal but he wanted to talk again one particular night. I was fine with it, thinking he would eventually understand. He started out asking me a question and it was about 6 in the evening. Sometime after midnight, after I talked and talked all that time trying to explain things to him, he asked the exact same question that he asked at the beginning of the conversation. I actually laughed.


It was right then that I had a light bulb moment and realized that his goal was to wear me down until he got what he wanted. This was typical of him, which was one reason our marriage ended. I think you're dealing with a person who's somewhere in the ballpark of this type of thing.

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