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Do I have trust issues?


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Last night, I decided to log into a chatroom that I visit sometimes. By sheer coincidence, my girlfriend was also there, saying sexual things to guys.


I asked her about it. She told me it was "all fun" and that she wouldn't actually cheat on me. I told her that this kind of behavior is something I can't accept from a girlfriend, which is what caused her to go into attack mode, accusing me of "not trusting" her and that I must think she's "an internet whore."


What do you guys think?


Another tidbit:


She told me that one of these chatroom guy "friends" of hers had been talking to her about our relationship and offering her "advice." Minutes after I logged in, this "e-friend" of hers slung embarrassing information about me into the chatroom. She apologized for his behavior, but it didn't seem sincere at all. I called her "naive" for thinking that these chatroom "friends" care about anything but cyber sex, which made her more mad at me.

Edited by neurotibot
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....that I must think she's "an internet whore."



Answer yes to that part and break up.

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If Your partner is having sexual conversations with men in chat rooms, I think you are very wise not to trust her.


In fact, she would be welcome to talk with whenever she wanted... because, she would not be my girlfriend anymore.

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Cheating is cheating. She's going onto online sites and talking sex. She's also trash-talking you with strangers who don't know her and don't know you. Would this fly in real life? Absolutely not. Just because it's the internet, it doesn't make it okay. She can stop this behavior, remove herself from the chat rooms, but the damage has been done...she can't be trusted, and what do you think about the things about you she has shared with people and how these things have been presented to these strangers as they slam you? You make it sound like she has fully trash-talked you to these people. Take what she's doing and what she has said at face value...and walk...be done with it.


I don't think I could recover from this, TBH. Sexting...no. Trash talking...no.


This isn't a personal trust issue you have in yourself...what you have is this rose-colored-glasses syndrome that doesn't allow you to see what is firmly planted in front of your face...she's a cheater who judges you to strangers. You caught her cheating. It's like saying, "It was only a prostitute," "it was just that one time." It's not "only" anything. It's time to tell her to pound sand. You can do better.

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The irony/hypocrisy here is she's sensitive to how you perceive her but she seems to have no qualms letting you be perceived badly

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I agree with the others--her behaviour is just flat-out unacceptable for someone in a committed relationship. Dump her.


Meanwhile, as unacceptable as it is to go on chat-rooms and talk dirty behind your partner's back, she is doing even worse by you. See, she is already at least emotionally cheating on you (not to mention disrespecting you by talking bad about you!) with her "e-friend".


One question though...what is the purpose of this "chat-room" and what were you doing there yourself. If the chat-room really is for dirty-talk, then your presence there is suspect too.

Edited by Imajerk17
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