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A question for the GUYS!


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There is a guy at my work who I had been flirting with for a while. I had been on vacation for a month now and just returned. I had begun to speak with this guy and things are great! I thought he wouldn't say anything to me just cuz I had been gone for a while and so I just kind of blew him off when I first saw him, however, HE walked up to ME and initiated a conversation as he always and usually does. He seems interested in me and I am sure he knows that I am intersted in him as well. But I am not sure and so I feel like I may be naive.


Well, I emailed him this morning and to tell him 'Hi' and ask him how things were when I was gone. His reply is as follows:


"Ever since you left, the girls haven't done enough. What is up with them? It was good to see you again."


Now, from my perspective, I felt as though he meant it as 'I missed you and glad to see you're back'... now that is only because I know the way he is around me and how he acts towards me. And this is the crazy part, I think I read too much into whether he is interested or not and it makes me 'wonder'... but my friends say he is definately interested.


So I would like a man's input... what was meant by the response? Just saying it's nice to have you back? or I missed you... glad you're back?


And is this a great opener to letting him know that I missed him as well and I want more than just a 'friendly flirt'? Thanks!

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His reply just sounds like "Hey, great to have you back at work. We definitely need another hand here". You know what I mean? It's more like just saying it's nice to have you back at work.


I think your mistake was that you blew him off. From a guys perspective, we feel that the girl isnt interested. He might feel that you just want to be friends with him since you blew him off. I could be wrong but you never know. Just keep flirting with him and make him know that you're really interested in him and want to be more than just friends/co-workers. You know what I mean? If he brushes it off, back away slowly.

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I think your mistake was that you blew him off. From a guys perspective, we feel that the girl isnt interested.


I agree. We have no idea what games you are playing in your head. If you don't show interest, we tend to lose interest and focus on something else instead.

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"Ever since you left, the girls haven't done enough. What is up with them? It was good to see you again."


It could go either ways....

Was he referring to work-related stuff? .... as in the girls haven't done enough at their end? If not, then, yeah, he sounds interested. I guess only you would be able to tell what he was referring to...


Don't worry about blowing him off. Start paying more attention to him from now on and see if he takes the bait. Tell him how good he looks etc.... Guys are suckers for that :p .... Seriously....

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Sounds like a carefully neutral answer to me - partly saying "hey I'm still here", but not more. Maybe he's afraid to try harder because he might get blown off again, maybe it's just a feeler to see what you think, maybe he's totally smitten but unwilling to do anything bold for fear of being at the wrong end of a sexual harassment lawsuit, maybe he's just being polite and already gave up.


You want us to tell you what he thinks? Sorry, the answer is: "any of the above". You can either wait to see if he makes a move, or you can do something of your own. I do think the message says, the ball is in your court, he's waiting on your reaction.

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