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My g/f doesn't trust me

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We just started college about 1 hour away from eachother, and she was really paranoid even when she could keep an eye on me. I've never done anything to make her think that i would cheat on her, but she has it hammered in her head that i'm going to meet someone new. It's really starting to put strain on our relationship. What does everyone suggest that i do?

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Most girls are scared to death that their b/fs are going to cheat on them. It might not be something YOU did. It could be something a previous b/f has done. People stereotype guys as cheaters, your just going to have to reasure her that your not. I went through a period of time when I felt like your g/f does, and I knew my b/f would never cheat on me. Its just something ya'll are going to have to talk out. Tell her how much you love her, tell her that you would never in a million years ever think about another girl. Girls are really jealous people, so make sure you dont talk about another girl, and try to avoid talking about past relationships, and you should be ok.

Hope everything works out!

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she may be trying to scare you straight. it is a common defense mechanism. she is going to have to learn to trust you if she wants to have a healthy relationship. their is nothing you can do but reassure her and try to stay faithful...


oh yeah. suggestion... don't have a relationship in college. oh boy, i am gonna hear it for that one:)

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Explain to her people can cheat anytime.Tell her that its extremely important to you the principals of commitment, loyalty and love and you would not ever jeapordize that ideal by lowering your self by cheating.

A big hug and kiss right after saying this important as looking right into her eyes while saying it.

Good Luck

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I really hate girls like this. I've had a few of them in the past. In a way, you know that they really care and love you to be like this but it does make you annoyed and fraustrated. Well, that's how I felt. My suggestion is that if you really love her, then you have to put up with it or you can try to find a way and persuade her to be more trusting that you won't go around fooling with other girls.

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i am just got to college 3 weeks ago and my GF (long distance) is scared to death. Literally, she wants me to stay in my room whenever i am not in school. She is TERRIFIED that i will leave her in a heartbeat for another girl. It does get annoying but i understand what she feels..


she has broken up with me probably everytime i went out past 11pm or so. she hates it. i dont know what to do either.

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i am just got to college 3 weeks ago and my GF (long distance) is scared to death. Literally, she wants me to stay in my room whenever i am not in school. She is TERRIFIED that i will leave her in a heartbeat for another girl. It does get annoying but i understand what she feels..


she has broken up with me probably everytime i went out past 11pm or so. she hates it. i dont know what to do either.


sorry to break it to you like this. this is psycho behavior and you should not understand this. cut her loose until she grows up a little...

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sorry to break it to you like this. this is psycho behavior and you should not understand this. cut her loose until she grows up a little...

It is so weird though because during the day she is normal like everything is cool. But as soon as it comes down to like 9pm on a friday night, i would say "hey, im going to hang out with Joel" and thats when she we would be like "OK, you never have time for me , you always put me everywhere but first" ...and it progresses to "F YOU! dont ever talk to me again" yadda yadda. I DO see this very strange, i am not blind. I love her a lot.

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It is so weird though because during the day she is normal like everything is cool. But as soon as it comes down to like 9pm on a friday night, i would say "hey, im going to hang out with Joel" and thats when she we would be like "OK, you never have time for me , you always put me everywhere but first" ...and it progresses to "F YOU! dont ever talk to me again" yadda yadda. I DO see this very strange, i am not blind. I love her a lot.


love is a wonderful thing, but it only carries you but so far. bottom line is that if you are in a relationship, you have to be comfortable. you do not need to spend your time and emotional energy on someone who can't even trust you after the sun goes down. she has crossed the line of being concerned and a little insecure. maybe i am a little harsh but if my woman ever said "f you, don't ever talk to me again" i would probably say OK, and listen to what she said.


i'm sure you do love her a lot and she loves you too. however, that does not mean that you guys are meant to be together. maybe you should bring it up a a neutral time and tell her how uncomfortable it makes you feel...

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Atleast she tells you or gives you the idea that she is jealous...you guys can attempt to work on her trust issues together. My xgf never said anything to me about her trust issues and jealousy until she just blew up at me when one night I did not pick up my phone...I had called her left a message and fell asleep with my phone on silent.... she called and I missed the call. Her issues led to the end of the relationship... and nothing I did to reassure her worked.


The only thing you can do is reassure her every once in a while...maybe it will sink in that you will not cheat on her. If it becomes routine where you are explaining every detail of your actions or reassuring her every minute, the relationship won't work.

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