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do i have a reason to be disappointed?please read

angel eyes

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angel eyes

today my boyfriend called me to make plans except that he made a few changes because on thursday he asked me if i wanted to go shooting with him because he usually goes with his dad,i said yes well yesterday i couldn't reach him by phone and today we are not going shooting we are just going to spend a quiet evening. i assume he went with his dad and forgot about me cause he said we were going this weekend. if it's true do you think i have areason to be disappointed? how do i talk to him about it or should i just ignore it? please help.

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"Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he will never be disappointed." - Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard's Almanac


You should mention to your boyfriend that you were disappointed that you missed out on the shopping trip...and then drop it.


However, you should pay attention in the future to his keeping his word. I can only speak for myself...but when I am excited about someone going someplace with me, there is NO chance of me forgetting to call them.


Now, it could be that circumstances were such that he felt it better at the time to just go with his dad. That's why you shouldn't get so bent over this now. But if he makes a habit of mentioning doing things with you and not following through, then you have a serious problem on your hands.

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