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I'm bored with my affair....

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I am wondering why you want to leave room for communication? He doesn't seem worth the trouble of a good bye text.


Were you hoping for something in the future with him?


I don't think that will happen.


Go ahead and ghost him.



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Thinking a guy who will cheat on his wife and use his affair partner for nothing more than sex doesn't deserve the consideration of as much as a breakup text.

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Yes, I imagine I would get more than just "bored" by a relationship when the only thing the man wanted from me was my female body parts and I had to be a secret in every other way.


I see what you did there ;)

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So you would prefer ghosting?For me I just prefer to put a finality buy officially ending up then leaving lines of communication open


I meant than leaving lines of communication open.It was a typo :lmao:


Now that I have thought about ,I think I'm just better off fading away and stop reaching out.We used to communicate a lot even when he is at home.Now I only hear from him during work hours, never at home anymore. I'm lucky if I get response outside his work hours


There was part of me that was hoping things would be different if he wasn't married and if he ever divorce his wife in the future.But that's highly unlikely to happen by the look of things

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