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Ex wants to get back together but talks about those he cheated with

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My now ex of 2 years is wanting to get back together (kinda).. I say that because one minute he does and the next it's going to fast....

Anyway in this process he has said that he is still talking to the girls he cheated w/, but would give all that up if we got back together.. He does alot of traveling and is currently (supposidly) in Ireland.. however he provides false pictures and puts props on for video chats, and we are supposed to be planning for a trip to Vegas next week.. Everyone I have spoke w/ says go as friends, have a good time and nothing more... my heart is to some degree tied and I'm not sure... Any insite. YES, he seems to be a compulsive liar.

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YES, he seems to be a compulsive liar.


Should you go on a vacation to Vegas (where I'd assume you'd be expected to provide "companionship") with a known cheater, con man and compulsive liar?




Mr. Lucky

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Anyway in this process he has said that he is still talking to the girls he cheated w/, but would give all that up if we got back together..


I couldn't help but laugh. Standard cheater line. Don't think you're that special one that's going to make him be a better man. I'm not sure why you're not repulsed by him. Ick.


YES, he seems to be a compulsive liar.


End of story then. I'm sure you can find better prospects to have fun with.

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Should I tell the girl that he cheated on me w/ that he is trying to get back w/ me? At times I feel like RUINING his life 100%.

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I see no problem with warning her about a cheater who's trying to cheat while cheating. Let her know how to dodge that bullet. I would provide concrete proof though. Otherwise he'll tell her you're making everything up.

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My now ex of 2 years is wanting to get back together (kinda).. I say that because one minute he does and the next it's going to fast....

Anyway in this process he has said that he is still talking to the girls he cheated w/, but would give all that up if we got back together.. He does alot of traveling and is currently (supposidly) in Ireland.. however he provides false pictures and puts props on for video chats, and we are supposed to be planning for a trip to Vegas next week.. Everyone I have spoke w/ says go as friends, have a good time and nothing more... my heart is to some degree tied and I'm not sure... Any insite. YES, he seems to be a compulsive liar.


Wait wait wait! Listen to what you are asking. He is still with the women that he cheated with but will give it all up for you. It’s not even like he already broke it off with them, he is still with them. Do you understand how screwed up this is? And why why why are you going on a trip with him if he seeing other people? He’s going to use you and move on. Before he can do that, Call it a day and move on!

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You can try but why would she listen to you? If you attempt to get in touch with her, she is likely to think that you either intend to cuss her out OR that you're going to make up a bunch of lies to try and create drama and ruin their relationship.


Getting a message from the betrayed spouse is generally "sirens blazing, crazy incoming" as far as an OW is concerned.

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Welcome to LS...


Are you married? Living with this man? What?


On the topic, telling is meaningless without proof. People lie. Obviously the man who's trying to get back with you lies. Great example.

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No we are not married... we were engaged but I broke it off a year after I found out, because he refused to stop or work on fixing things. We have been broken up for 2 years anyone he swears he has changed. We have been talking and trying to figure out if it will work... this is where we are now.

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So he's pursuing you for a long-term relationship while still in a long-term relationship? If I truly wanted girl A back for keeps, I certainly wouldn't be still in a relationship with girl B. It shows you his real level of commitment to you. Nonexistent.

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Let me see if I have this straight.


He cheated on you. Now he's in a committed exclusive relationship with another girl, and he's willing to leave her, for you, and yet he says he changed?



Not sure what's worse, him saying he's changed while being completely disloyal and unfaithful to his current girlfriend who he'd leave in a heartbeat, or you thinking he's changed and considering taking him back.

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Not sure what's worse, him saying he's changed while being completely disloyal and unfaithful to his current girlfriend who he'd leave in a heartbeat, or you thinking he's changed and considering taking him back.


But this time, he really, really, really means it ;) ...


Mr. Lucky

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Should I tell the girl that he cheated on me w/ that he is trying to get back w/ me? At times I feel like RUINING his life 100%.


Take the high road, walk away from them both. Why would you want this drama in your life?

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Take the high road, walk away from them both. Why would you want this drama in your life?



Some thrive on relationship drama.




Others prefer bungee jumping.

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Actually it sounds like he has just made you the OW now and is telling you this stuff to be able to still have sex with you while with his girl. You should have blocked him after you two broke up. If he were serious about wanting you back he would have broken up with her and then pursued you. I feel the only reason you now want to tell this girl you have been sneaking around with her bf is to now hurt him. She will realize this, he will make excuses, and she will take him back. So you decide if this is a good idea.

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