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Question for ALL... what is meant by this?

mrs. robinson

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mrs. robinson

-I have been flirting with a guy now for a long time. He is the one that initiated the flirting to begin with. We work together. Well, I had gone away for a month and right before I left he kept saying for me to make sure that I have fun and that he hopes I enjoy where I was going.


-Well, up until that point, I had not been able to get him out of my head but then I went on this long vacation and I had totally been able to get him out of my head which was wonderful cuz i could function for once.


-Well, I came back and I saw him but didn't really do anythying because I thought maybe things had died down and he maybe wouldn't pay attention to me. Usually when we saw each other, one of us would smile big and wave at the other person. I didn't do that and kind of ignored him. Well, he approached me first (as usual) and began to converse with me. When he said my name, he sounded like he was happy to see me. It was hard to peel away from him but I made myself and he followed to where I was but got distracted by a co-worker asking him a question.


-When we talked first since my return, his friends (co-workers) were watching us and when I left (and this happens a lot) they looked at each other and smiled/laughed/joked. My other co-worker said that they do this a lot when I am around especially when I 'leave' the room. My friend said that it seems as though the friends tease him ... maybe is he's crushing on me too???


-But I sent him an email to ask how things were when I was gone. He replied saying that 'ever since you left, the others have not been doing enough around here. What's up with that? It was good to see you again'...


-How should I interpret his response? Should I take it as him just being friendly? Is he trying to indirectly let me know that he missed me? Or just friendly? I mean, we do flirt often... but more so as 'our own secret'. And also, how should I take the action of his fellow co-workers/friends. Is this because maybe they are making a 'fool' of me or what? I would like a man's input on this type of behavior.


-When I put myself in his position, if a friend of mine was speaking with someone she likes and he left the room, we'd all be giggling and teasing her on how cute he is and how she likes him... so do you think these guys are doing the same thing? I need to know I just recently got divorced a year ago and I don't even know the signs of interest... I need to rejuvinate my attraction senses. Thanks!

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