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Is there such a thing as actually being "friends" with no benefits?

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I don't understand this term. I mean, FWB means you are actually friends with them plus the sex comes with it, like hanging out, talking, etc. When the sex ends and the other person is no longer interested/or has met someone else, then the "friends" part is non existent and there is no such thing as to why you even would talk to that person ever again. To me its like keeping in touch with an ex or something. At least from my experience, even just doing simple talking isn't the same anymore when that person is with someone else.

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Happy Lemming

Friends with benefits is basically "No Strings attached" sex.


You are having sex with someone, but you aren't boyfriend/girlfriend.

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I don't understand this term. I mean, FWB means you are actually friends with them plus the sex comes with it, like hanging out, talking, etc. When the sex ends and the other person is no longer interested/or has met someone else, then the "friends" part is non existent and there is no such thing as to why you even would talk to that person ever again. To me its like keeping in touch with an ex or something. At least from my experience, even just doing simple talking isn't the same anymore when that person is with someone else.


Not necessarily - technically the "benefits" part is non existent from that point. If it's truly no strings attached, then in theory you can go back to a platonic friendship. But this is rarely the case in practice - someone usually develops feelings and gets upset when the other finds someone else.


To answer your original question, friends without benefits is exactly that - a friendship. Which is how it is with most friendships you make throughout your life.

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ALL of my former FWB are still real friends. We didn't always start out as friends in every case, but we liked each other enough to trust each other for sex. Friendship grew over time. There are plenty of people whose friendship does not survive the termination of benefits, of course. Sometimes that's because their new bf/gf is threatened by having a former lover around, or some other issue. Some just end badly. People and situations vary, of course, and so do the outcomes.

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There's no emotional involvement with casual sex friends like there is with a partner, lover or spouse. With such disconnects, it's possible for people to transition from casual sex friends to platonic friends where interaction revolves around activities and interests. People who are wired to have casual sex should be able to make the switch. Sex is recreational rather than intimate. Whether they want to make the switch depends on desire and whether or not there are shared interests/activities/philosophies, etc. If it was just sex and no other commonality exists, then on to the rest of humanity.

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It's pretty hard to be friends once you've slept together for any length of time, I would say. I have had a couple of one-nighters with guys who I worked in a casual environment with and stayed friends as we both dated others, but not like friends like hanging out one on one, friends like at work or when we see each other at gigs and stuff like that, not one on one.

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