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Physical with a female friend.

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So im a guy. Me and my female friend have known eachother for like 2 years or something. We started to get very physical after few months. Alot of touching, cuddling etc.

Her friend who was very interested in me back then, started to get jealous because I had fun with her. They even had a fight and i was the reason.


We didnt escalate it any further and we both dated other people. One night we ended up having drunk sex and after that we started to act like a bf and gf. Holding hands, kissing etc. It all ended in one month because she started to date someone else. I was fine with it and acted like I didnt care although I had little bit of feelings for her.


They dated two months until he left her. One month after that we were all drinking again. I thought that our thing was completely over and we would never be physical again... But there I was, kissing her like grazy and ended up having sex with her. This happened one week ago.


What should I do with her? I honestly have no idea if she is interested in me or not. We have seen eachother few times this week flirting all the time and slept in same bed one night. I just feel like shes not always 100% there. I wonder if only thing I am for her is ''the guy any girl would bang'' like she told her friend few months ago. If she only have physical attraction or something.

I think this is not a good situation to be in.

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I'd tell her that you'd like more of that from her and if she can't/won't, then you two needed to cool it.



I mean: no cuddlebuddies, no kissing, none of that because she will continue to do this for as long as you let her do this, while entertaining the same attention for guys who then dump her off and she comes running back to you.



If you want to be her man, don't act like her emotional tampon that she uses then runs off to someone else she's giving the chance to.

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So, is her friend still interested in you? If you think she is, ask her on a date....


No one is married here so date around, have sex with whomever you please and enjoy the now. Guard against expectations and trying to figure people out. With the lady in question, let go of 'if xxxx and yyyy then zzzz'. You'll never read her mind and she can change it at any time for any reason or no reason at all. Learn from that.

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First, figure out what YOU want! What the heck do you want with this woman?


Once you answer that question, the next step is clear ... You follow through on your desire ... whether it is to avoid her ... occasionally have unplanned sex with her ... or tell her you like her a lot and wanna explore a relationship.


Sounds like you're in that coward's jam ... the jam created because we don't want to figure out what we want ... because we first want to know what THEY want. That's an avoidable paralysis.


So what do you want?

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Just sounds like she is having sex with you but not interested enough to keep you as more. Her friend probably knew this would happen and that that is what she does and didn't want to see you used.

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