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im always feeling misunderstood and left out,help

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Everytime me and my mother talk it always turns out to an argument.I try so hard everytime to maybe not sa much at all or sometimes im even afraid to talk at all cause it turns in to arguing.What can I do? Im jealous of my sister cause she always can get along so fine and my mother enjoys being with her so much more then me.And they can talk about anything without arguing.Im realy jealous of it.Sometimes at Thanksgiving dinner we are all out at the table and the conversation usually is around her.And I start feeling left out.I brought up counselling but my mother said no"that would not work for me".I said " it would work". But Im jealous of that they can get alnog so well and we cant.Today I started going crazy out of my mind.I try to tell my mother how I feel,but when I do she says " ok thats enough i dont want to talk about anymore" so its like I cant even tell her how I feel.I dont know what I can do.

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Before I try to answer your post, I've got a question: How old are you? Im 28.
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Hi Patty,

Everytime me and my mother talk it always turns out to an argument.

Could you give an example of one of the bigger arguments? That way it'll be easier to get to the core of the problem, and I can provide you a better answer.

Im jealous of my sister ...

You are in charge of your feelings. Nobody can take these feelings of jealousy away from you EXCEPT YOU, not your mother, not your sister, not a counselor. If your confidence and self-esteem were higher, you would be able to much better deal with many problems that you're faced with.


Anyhow, if you could describe a couple arguments, it would help out.

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Hi Patty, Could you give an example of one of the bigger arguments? That way it'll be easier to get to the core of the problem, and I can provide you a better answer. You are in charge of your feelings. Nobody can take these feelings of jealousy away from you EXCEPT YOU, not your mother, not your sister, not a counselor. If your confidence and self-esteem were higher, you would be able to much better deal with many problems that you're faced with.


Anyhow, if you could describe a couple arguments, it would help out.

Arguments are about health issues.I take them more serousely then she does.She dont think it neccesary for me to go to the doctors every week.But I have these sores on my tongue that wont go away.And my doctors keep trying all kinds of meds on me.Ive had many blood test and all came back normal.Still yet not able to figure out what was wrong.But Ive been more worried about my health and I like to get the doctors as soon as possible.My mother tells me to wait sometimes to see if I feel better in a few days .I say I call when im in pain.cause I think waiting to long does no good not when im in pain.

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