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will it ever be the same again? (Red-ruM please help me!)

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okay, i've never posted to something like this before, but i read the host bios, and it seemed like red-rum might be able to help. i'm a 16 year old girl from indiana. a few years ago when i first started chatting on irc i met this really cute, funny guy. we got along really well and i remember staying up late some nights laughing until i cried while talking to him. he truly was the light of my life for a while. one of the best friends i've ever had, he helped me with a lot of problems and never expected anything back. it's been a long time since we talked. i was just sitting here today and realized how much i miss him. would it be stupid to try to contact him? i'm afraid he won't remember me. i really would like to talk to him thought. please give me advice.

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okay, i've never posted to something like

this before, but i read the host bios, and it

seemed like red-rum might be able to help. i'm

a 16 year old girl from indiana. a few years ago

when i first started chatting on irc i met this

really cute, funny guy. we got along really well

and i remember staying up late some nights laughing

until i cried while talking to him. he truly was

the light of my life for a while. one of the best

friends i've ever had, he helped me with a lot

of problems and never expected anything back.

it's been a long time since we talked. i was just

sitting here today and realized how much i miss

him. would it be stupid to try to contact him?

i'm afraid he won't remember me. i really would

like to talk to him thought. please give me advice.


Hi there at Indianna, if you feel you need to call this

friend, then go ahead. Don't be afraid of rejection,

I feel that may be what is stopping you. It is always

good to find someone who understands you. Perhaps

he was in fact your 'angel' at the time. Our life has

many seasons, and you are still very young. Relax

and enjoy life each new morning. When I was 16

(I am now 40, though very young at heart) finding

someone who took an interest in me as a person was

very uplifting. This friend you have spent time talking

to has obviously done that for you. Remember though

we as women need to affirm how special we are each

day. Loving ourself and finding someone to share

love with is wonderful. I hope you find someone to

always remind you how important you are. Take care.

from (Australia)

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okay, i've never posted to something like

this before, but i read the host bios, and it

seemed like red-rum might be able to help. i'm

a 16 year old girl from indiana. a few years ago

when i first started chatting on irc i met this

really cute, funny guy. we got along really well

and i remember staying up late some nights laughing

until i cried while talking to him. he truly was

the light of my life for a while. one of the best

friends i've ever had, he helped me with a lot

of problems and never expected anything back.

it's been a long time since we talked. i was just

sitting here today and realized how much i miss

him. would it be stupid to try to contact him?

i'm afraid he won't remember me. i really would

like to talk to him thought. please give me advice.




Please.....call me Ryan. Red-ruM is just a placeholder nickname.



Now, I'm not entirely sure how your interaction with this fellow progressed. That's to say, I don't know if you just chatted online or had phone conversations or what. The best thing I can say is that I don't see much harm in trying to track down this guy, but don't become stalkerish about it. If you've never even spoken by voice before, I think showing up at his doorstep would be a bit much...things like that. See if you can find him on IRC or maybe an email address. If you haven't ever called one another, doing that now MIGHT be pushing it but it depends on the person. A few years is a long time when you are young, so don't get too excited about finding him. Spend a little time playing detective and see what you can come up with. Otherwise, I wouldn't make this a focal point in your life.

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