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warm then semi-cold

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hi everyone,


I need your input on this as i'm super confused. :eek:


So i have a workmate that i fancy but nothing happened between us yet.

Beginning this month i suggested through a messaging app on her private mobile that i'll pay her for drinks every time a national sport team scored and she'll pay if the opposite team scored, she answered with ok and wink-smiley face ;)


Then came the day before the teams played, at work she enthusiatically greeted me and asked/reminded me that we're still ok to watch the game the following evening, so i said yes :) i should add she was very well dressed!


The following day she wasn't working because of her workshift; as i was thinking about the places where we could have a drink and watch the game i decided around early afternoon to sent her 1 message giving her the choice of the city where we could watch the game, she answered me like 4 hours later telling me she's sorry she can't come, she got lots of stuff to do; i answered with just ok.


I went to watch the game anyway with a friend and his girlfriend.


Today at work she seemed distant, greeted me by my name but was distant; at a moment she was taking a pause so i joined her outside and tried to chat with her, she was focused on talking about work related topic while i was trying to talk about life outside work; i also wanted to invite her for drinks this Saturday after her work shift but i hesitated and didn't ask her, it was also very quick like a 5min chat before she went back to work...


I think she likes me and i think she's single but something must have happened between Monday evening and Tuesday afternoon :(


I can't stop thinking about her... i'm super confused...and now a bit frustrated because it looks like she plays a game with me :confused:


I'm tempted to delete her from the messaging app on my private phone and limit any talks with her on work related topics.


What do you people think ?

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IMO, she's not interested, think twice about workplace dating and learn from women how it's fine to change your mind on things for any reason or no reason at all. Also, I get the fancy thing, BTDT hundreds of times, but between beginning of month and today plenty of opportunities to date other women, or at least ask them out. Eggs and baskets. Spread it around.


FWIW I've had women tell me they love me, kiss me like the dickens and then do a 180 with no interim interaction at all. Great stuff. Learn from it.


Welcome to LS!

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Hi, thanks for the reply.

I now noticed that she may have unistalled the messanging app.

When you are saying women change their mind for any reason or no reason i can only agree, i hope she has a good reason or else it is not worth getting to know her.

I'm soo disappointed.

Anyway i think i'll just avoid talking to her when not required by work.

I'm not good with women yet so i can't just bounce to other women :) but i understand what you mean by that, it's the best way to forget her, i'll also delete her from my contact.


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Do be gracious & professional at work. Limiting chit chat to work related subjects is best but it's OK to say good morning or at least acknowledge her. If she comes to you with a social offer, consider it but I agree it's best not to pursue.

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She realized you were wanting more and she's not interested. She was just being a friendly workmate. So drop your interaction down to friendly but professional.

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No, you're wrong.

Believe me when i say all the lights were green :)

i could have hooked up with her this Monday and the whole week before that if i tried but i was not in the mood to invite her for an after work drink.... i think i missed the window !

I suspect an ex appeared again or something happened in her personal life between monday and tuesday that's for sure!

Anyway, i stopped pursuing her, i keep it professional.

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