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help i am a 25 year old virgin. I need to lose my virginiy and fast!@# any advice?? where to go?? what to do?? i am thinking i need to take a vaction to somewhere where there are many woman, someone please help me!

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I am rather curious as to why the stealth virginity loss project. Has a doctor told you that you would die if you didn't lose it soon?


Normally, losing one's virginity is a special time with someone special in your life. Sticking your penis just anyplace will actually not count for much.


Go to just about any club and tell single girls you have been told you have only days to live and you must lose your virginity before you go. It is very possible you could lose your virginity dozens of times over a few weeks.


Otherwise, just take your time with this. Did someone just tell you how good sex is? Are you just discovering sex? That's quite OK. But take your time losing your virginity. You may never pass this way again.


Unfortunately for men, there is no evidence of loss of virginity...just the guy's word for us. You wouldn't be putting us on, would you?

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I am certainly curious with Tony as to why the sudden urge to lose your virginity "fast."


It just doesn't make sense. One's virginity can be such a special time if with the right person. It really isn't cool to just lose it to someone you hardly know.


You sound like a sex-crazed fool. You'll regret it, I can guarantee you that.


I really hope this isn't over a bet or something similar.

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whoah, easy tiger!!! slooooow down!!!!! do you have a bet that if you lose your virginity and fast, you will be guaranteed a million dollars? if so, hurry up and shag that oh-so-willing chick at the local nightclub!


sexual frustration can be a pain in the neck, i know, but i can guarantee that if you don't act so desperate, you will find a really nice girl, who you like a lot, that you can lose your virginity to. you will REALLY enjoy it so much more than just grabbing the first girl who is willing to go all the way.


i'm guessing you are desperate to lose your virginity because you see 25 as being 'late'??? don't stress about it. it's none of anybody's business anyway, and it's not as though people go around playing "spot the virgin"....heck, we all know you can't tell.


i would suggest to lay off the viagra, stop eating oysters, and get rid of the ylang-ylang incense, and you might feel a bit more in control....other than that, if the urge is taking over your everyday life, and you're not particularly fussed about who you lose your virginity to, do what you said, and just go out and meet someone and get it over with, so to speak.....and don't be so desperate, because there is no mad rush!!!



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Go to Thailand man! #####, if you can't get laid there then somethin's wrong wit'cha. Be warned, bring LOTS of CONDOMS.



help i am a 25 year old virgin. I need to lose my virginiy and fast!@# any advice?? where to go?? what to do?? i am thinking i need to take a vaction to somewhere where there are many woman, someone please help me!
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