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What is my boyfriend up to?

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My boyfriend has two facebook accounts he just, for some reason, had deactivated his other account that he doesn’t use as often for a few days last week and when he had did that he went and added his ex on the page he uses more often. He was always friends with her on the account he deactivated but doesn’t use that much. Then after she accepted his request he went and activated his other page again so now she’a friends with him on both accounts.


On the account he uses more often, he had posted a picture of us together on his Facebook story, but he blocks her from seeing his story so she didn’t see the picture until he posted it on his actual timeline. That wasn’t a big deal but the fact that he watches her stories but he blocks her from watching his is what seems odd to me. Not only that, he’s still friends with her on all his social media. Instagram, Snapchat, twittter. He still likes her pictures on Instagram but not on Facebook.


I also recently saw that he sent her a playful message relating back to the beginning of the year. It was a voice message of a guy saying “On Jan 1 the Gov is killing all slow people. I cried when I thought about you. Run my slow friend. Foward this message to keep the fun going.” It’s July so that message was being foward around a while ago and somehow he’s sending it to her now. I just felt as if he was trying to get her attention or something. Maybe I am looking too much into it.

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How do you know so much about what he's activating and deactivating, who he's adding, blocking, commenting on, messaging, etc.?

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My boyfriend has two facebook accounts he just, for some reason, had deactivated his other account that he doesn’t use as often for a few days last week and when he had did that he went and added his ex on the page he uses more often. He was always friends with her on the account he deactivated but doesn’t use that much.<snip>


You already know the answer to this one.. You better nip this in the bucket now before it gets out of hand. But really there isn't much you can do about this except to get your derriere out of his life and yours. Because as you know when a man does this behind your back it just leads to trouble in the end. He's toying with her with you as the backup. They're not done yet and you need to understand that. Friends or not he shouldn't be contacting her still Facebook is like a open arena box and think about that one and you decide!

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So how does he treat you otherwise? Things feel off and that's why you are stalking/snooping his social media? IMO if you are finding a need to monitor him, you shouldn't be with him.

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