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What is this behaviour?

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OK, sorry for the joke.


Here is your answer:


He's not that into you. Period.


I mentioned the free thing so how can u still say this?

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Why can't you do that? If they were good friends he wouldn't be telling you everything your FWB does. He is bad for y'all.

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Why can't you do that? If they were good friends he wouldn't be telling you everything your FWB does. He is bad for y'all.


Why are u calling him FWB?


They practically grew up together. He will shut me out not him as they are literally like brothers.


But pls do answer my Q. Do u still think he loves her? Coz my friend did admit that him remembering how she asked him for free time was a sign that he regretted saying no to her?

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You think he loves her? His issue with her is going on for 1 year


No I think he's IN LOVE with her. One year, huh? Wow he's really struggling.


Do u still think he loves her?


As you can see I've already answered this question.

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I called him your FWB because that's what you two are. You're just having sex - with no commitment = FWB.

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I called him your FWB because that's what you two are. You're just having sex - with no commitment = FWB.


Ok. How does sex and emotional attachment work tho? I do recall that he would give me very casual forehead kiss as if it was done with no feeling and then like my friend told, I did see him suddenly get up and leave which my friend confirmed that he saw her coming and went after her just a few minutes after he pecked me on the forehead


. Same thing when he was taking me out he asked to meet up at university & like he said after saying hi to her he looked back i think to check if she was behind him which she was . Apparently that time she didnt talk further & that caused the tension

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What exactly are you looking for? Seriously.


What do you want us to tell you? You’ve asked us 10 times if he loves her? Then if we say yes, you debate how that can’t be. If we tell you he’s not that into you, you debate that he is. If you ask why he does certain things and we tell you, then you then debate all the reasons to make the answer what you want to hear.


I don’t think you get it. Are you reading and comprehending the responses??


It’s frustrating to us because you’re asking the SAME THING over and over and over and we are giving you answers. But you don’t want to hear them.


Why don’t you just ASK him what kind of relationship you are in and how he feels about you?!?

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Ok. How does sex and emotional attachment work tho? I do recall that he would give me very casual forehead kiss as if it was done with no feeling and then like my friend told, I did see him suddenly get up and leave which my friend confirmed that he saw her coming and went after her just a few minutes after he pecked me on the forehead


. Same thing when he was taking me out he asked to meet up at university & like he said after saying hi to her he looked back i think to check if she was behind him which she was . Apparently that time she didnt talk further & that caused the tension


Obviously you're very insecure about your relationship with this dude. If he really liked you, you'd feel it and not ask the same questions repeatedly.


You might have OCD. IDK, you'd probably benefit from individual therapy.

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Does he kiss you passionately when you have sex? Does he kiss you at all?


We kiss during sex biut he doesnt in public even though he is a very touchy person

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What exactly are you looking for? Seriously.


What do you want us to tell you? You’ve asked us 10 times if he loves her? Then if we say yes, you debate how that can’t be. If we tell you he’s not that into you, you debate that he is. If you ask why he does certain things and we tell you, then you then debate all the reasons to make the answer what you want to hear.


I don’t think you get it. Are you reading and comprehending the responses??


It’s frustrating to us because you’re asking the SAME THING over and over and over and we are giving you answers. But you don’t want to hear them.


Why don’t you just ASK him what kind of relationship you are in and how he feels about you?!?


You just say he loves her. You never give any reason why u think this way so i ask? If u could tell me the reason why u think so then i ll stop asking

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I called him your FWB because that's what you two are. You're just having sex - with no commitment = FWB.


Also whenever thry talked he never told her about me. Never

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Obviously you're very insecure about your relationship with this dude. If he really liked you, you'd feel it and not ask the same questions repeatedly.


You might have OCD. IDK, you'd probably benefit from individual therapy.


I'm asking simple questions? I asked if he likes her so much then why taking me out and hooking up with me instead?

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I'm asking simple questions? I asked if he likes her so much then why taking me out and hooking up with me instead?



Because he couldn’t have her and you were his Plan B.

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Because he couldn’t have her and you were his Plan B.


Hes been with me for 2 years. She came last year

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You just say he loves her. You never give any reason why u think this way so i ask? If u could tell me the reason why u think so then i ll stop asking


I honestly don't think anyone told you that he loves her. I remember some posters have even specified that they don't think that he LOVES her, they think he's got a crush on her. A CRUSH. Not LOVE. That's why he pursued her and that's why he's so frustrated she won't have him. Can you understand this simple concept?

He might as well have some feelings for you too, but not enough to commit or stop pursuing other girls.

I find it a bit disrespectful that you don't bother reading into what people are telling you since everyone is taking their time explaining this to you over and over again.

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I honestly don't think anyone told you that he loves her. I remember some posters have even specified that they don't think that he LOVES her, they think he's got a crush on her. A CRUSH. Not LOVE. That's why he pursued her and that's why he's so frustrated she won't have him. Can you understand this simple concept?

He might as well have some feelings for you too, but not enough to commit or stop pursuing other girls.

I find it a bit disrespectful that you don't bother reading into what people are telling you since everyone is taking their time explaining this to you over and over again.


No. I find it disrespectful that you dont read. All of them said he loves her and 1 said he has a crush


Now that you saw that there are few other details you ve changed your tune to saying he doesnt and now hes having feelings for me! Lol! Every poster here said they wont say what I want to hear but now since u said it . U said what im trying to say all along.


Quit trying to act nobody said that. Stillafool, ExpatinItaly , smackie, all said the same thing.

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Distance does not separate love. He could be a million miles from her but his heart will be wherever she is. Anger doesn't stop love either; you have no idea how many people wish it did.


@Lorenza cant u read?

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Because he's had issues getting over her for one year. I went off on my husband this morning and I love the hell outta him.


Do you ever have conversations where you actually say more than ask questions? This could be one of his problems with you. It's immature.


@Lorenza read the posts properly

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Ok he doesn't care about her, he only wants you. Sex and sharing cigarettes are signs of eternal love and devotion. He probably hates that other girl.

I think that's what you want to hear and you won't relent until you hear it...

You sound very young, are you both still in high school?


@Lorenza and this IS WHAT U SAID

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2 years you've been doing this? That is crazy, if you were expecting a relationship out this. Where is your self-respect? If you were okay with this casual arrangement, I would tell you to keep having your fun. But clearly, you're not, and you think it's more than it really is.



I would put money on it, yes.


I don't know how else to explain to you why he would go after her again - we have all told you that his level of anger is actually a reflection of how much he wants her and how much he is upset he couldn't have her. You are refusing to listen and keep asking the same questions over and over and over. We keep repeating the same thing.


Not sure what it is you're not getting here.


Another response @Lorenza

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Yes, I had a feeling this fling is new territory for you. Have you had a boyfriend before?


If he weren't emotionally attached to her, he'd be much less annoyed and irritated by her. You don't seem to understand that his reaction would be totally different if he didn't really care about her.


What you have with this guy isn't a relationship. If it hasn't gotten there by now, it won't get there in the future either. Whether or not this girl turns up again, this isn't going where you want it to go.


Why are you so stuck on him?


Another here @Lorenza

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NOAH! How many different ways do I have to tell you this - BECAUSE HE IS IN LOVE WITH HER!




Learn to read then attack me

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Hes been with me for 2 years. She came last year


He isn't "with you" though, OP. He hooks up with you, but you are not his girlfriend. There is a significant difference.


Anyway, I am going to bow out of this thread. It seems we're going nowhere here and we all keep saying the same things, yet you continue to repeat the same questions. We're going in circles with you and it's not productive.


Best of luck to you, Noah.

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He isn't "with you" though, OP. He hooks up with you, but you are not his girlfriend. There is a significant difference.


Anyway, I am going to bow out of this thread. It seems we're going nowhere here and we all keep saying the same things, yet you continue to repeat the same questions. We're going in circles with you and it's not productive.


Best of luck to you, Noah.


Okay thank you for your help

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