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Learn to read then attack me


To love and to be in love is not the same, not even near. And that was also told to you. Besides, no one is attacking you. People are just starting to lose their patience.

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To love and to be in love is not the same, not even near. And that was also told to you. Besides, no one is attacking you. People are just starting to lose their patience.


If someone says he is in love with her then what do i understand by that? Can u clarify?

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To love and to be in love is not the same, not even near. And that was also told to you. Besides, no one is attacking you. People are just starting to lose their patience.



Sounds about right.


OP I'm going to bow out of this thread too.


For the record. I don't think the guy loves anyone. He does seem to want the other girl more than you but he'll have sex with you if you feel like it.


Good Luck.

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To love and to be in love is not the same, not even near. And that was also told to you. Besides, no one is attacking you. People are just starting to lose their patience.


U cant even explain smh

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Sounds about right.


OP I'm going to bow out of this thread too.


For the record. I don't think the guy loves anyone. He does seem to want the other girl more than you but he'll have sex with you if you feel like it.


Good Luck.


Lol thanks for proving I was right that he wants Me

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Lol thanks for proving I was right that he wants Me


Don’t understand the point of you even posting here OP. But, see you in a few days/weeks/months when you find out he has a girlfriend or is sleeping with someone else.

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I am amazed by the amount of patience our posters have! Holy moly!


OP, you won't listen to anything people say to you. In your mind, this guy (who is really not that into you, based on everything you've said) is your prince charming, and this other girl (who he seems to be more interested in, based on everything you've said) is a nobody and you will live happily ever after.


You will not listen to our posters who are trying to get you back to reality. And you will not hear lies that you want to hear in this forum.


This will most likely be a great learning experience for you. Good luck.

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You mentioned you're 21. In your first ever thread, you were allegedly 26. Very interesting!


That was a lie . I needed response from different scenarios so i just lied about things. I admit to that

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I am amazed by the amount of patience our posters have! Holy moly!


OP, you won't listen to anything people say to you. In your mind, this guy (who is really not that into you, based on everything you've said) is your prince charming, and this other girl (who he seems to be more interested in, based on everything you've said) is a nobody and you will live happily ever after.


You will not listen to our posters who are trying to get you back to reality. And you will not hear lies that you want to hear in this forum.


This will most likely be a great learning experience for you. Good luck.


Ok thank u

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This is from January.


In this current thread, you stated you were with him for 2 years!


Above you admit you lied about your age.



It will be hard to learn and gain experience in dating if you are lying even to yourself. I don’t understand the point of that. I think it’s so you can stack the cards in your favor maybe. But it doesn’t chang truth.


Work on yourself and your expectations. Because it seems you are your worst enemy right now. I feel for you, I really do.


I hope you gain experience from this situation with him and apply it to future situations. To learn and grow.

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We were doing this for 2 years and he is hot. Our sex is awesome. I had no idea he was attached to somebody else unless i found out.


Do u really think if she turns up again he ll go after her again? Coz our friend was saying that if he realises his mistake his feelings will double and he ll be changed man for her. This does not sit well with me at all and i really dont see why he would since they went their own ways with him holding anger and grudge?


Here you say you’ve been with him for 2 years. But in October 2017 you said you met him during summer. And in January this year you posted that you “met” him again.



So you haven’t “been” with him for 2 years. I think this is part of your problem and you are distorting reality.

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Here you say you’ve been with him for 2 years. But in October 2017 you said you met him during summer. And in January this year you posted that you “met” him again.



So you haven’t “been” with him for 2 years. I think this is part of your problem and you are distorting reality.


Oh my. I was going to stay off this thread, but here I am again. Utterly confused.


OP, is it the same guy as in this thread?


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Here you say you’ve been with him for 2 years. But in October 2017 you said you met him during summer. And in January this year you posted that you “met” him again.



So you haven’t “been” with him for 2 years. I think this is part of your problem and you are distorting reality.


No these are not real posts. I'm sorry for these. I posted as different people to get different opinions. I honestly dont want to accept he likes or liked her so i posted these amd hid real details. Those arent real posts so it wouldnt help u .


Ithe truth is i joined this uni in 2015 and met him and we began having sex from 2016. He was here since 2014

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No these are not real posts. I'm sorry for these. I posted as different people to get different opinions. I honestly dont want to accept he likes or liked her so i posted these amd hid real details. Those arent real posts so it wouldnt help u .


Ithe truth is i joined this uni in 2015 and met him and we began having sex from 2016. He was here since 2014


You may not want to accept it, but don’t you think you should? It won’t help you in life hiding behind lies. It may hurt that he likes her, but it’s true. So accept it and you’ll become a stronger person for it.

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My boyfriend and I have been together

We have a casual relationship mostly. We met at university though he was senior to me. We don't live together. And we never stayed together during the term holidays either. He would leave for his country and I would leave for mine.


He is flirty and over touchy with people but last year he met a girl whom I knew nothing about. My bf and I have a large group of mutual friends and one of the guys told me about her.

So he met this girl whom he had 'love at first sight'. He met this girl 1 week before I went back home for holidays.


His friend told me that he would continuously stare at the girl and would keep running to her all the time. He also asked him about her, asking him how beautiful she is and another friend confirmed that while they were talking, he was openly drooling over her.


The girl was also reciprocating and they apparently had a talk but she didnt ask him for his phone number or on a date and he stopped talking to her and went back to his country.


He bumped into her again 8 months later and approached her for a talk which she did. But something happened and his friend said he started getting angry at her and would treat her rudely.


Apparently she stopped talking to him completely and then he started being friendly and warm towards her. Though our friend did tell me that he told him he was expecting her to come and talk to him. She didnt do it as he would keep walking and this infuriated him.


He was taking me out on a date but he decided to meet up at the university. Our friend told me my bf bumped into her and was being gentle towards her. But she didnt go up as he walked on while he looked back to check on her.

He did this once more when he saw her coming and left me and our friends to follow her.


After we met up, I did notice that he looked quite serious and was showing no interest in the conversations with our friends. I also got to know that he began treating her rudely again and was being mean to her when she came to talk to him.


I dont understand. He's been with me and is always hugging me and we have sex a lot, we smoke from the same cigs/drink from same cups and have fun in general then why is he leaning towards her? Why does she affect him when hes with me? The worst thing is finding this out from a friend whom he had confided about her, asking how she looks etc. Why?


But you forget one thing you two are not engaged and you are both not married. In his eyes he feels he can do whatever he wants too. You can say no to him, but then he'll feel your controlling him. Sounds like you two are more like buddies than in a serious relationship. Then if you don't like what he's doing then speak-up and say something otherwise nothing going to change with you two..

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But you forget one thing you two are not engaged and you are both not married. In his eyes he feels he can do whatever he wants too. You can say no to him, but then he'll feel your controlling him. Sounds like you two are more like buddies than in a serious relationship. Then if you don't like what he's doing then speak-up and say something otherwise nothing going to change with you two..


How can u say we are like buddies?

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You may not want to accept it, but don’t you think you should? It won’t help you in life hiding behind lies. It may hurt that he likes her, but it’s true. So accept it and you’ll become a stronger person for it.


The only thing i dont understand is how he can go out with me and sex with me yet be emotionally attached to her to a point where he gets resentful

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The only thing i dont understand is how he can go out with me and sex with me yet be emotionally attached to her to a point where he gets resentful


Because men are wired differently than us. Hell, they can have sex with a woman they don’t even like, yet want another. And like a spoilt child, he’s mad because she didn’t return his affection.


You need to understand this and accept it or move on.

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Because men are wired differently than us. Hell, they can have sex with a woman they don’t even like, yet want another. And like a spoilt child, he’s mad because she didn’t return his affection.


You need to understand this and accept it or move on.


Is there any chance he may regret his manner and go back to her ? Coz that is what most are saying that if he feels he was in wrong theres a high chance he ll improve himself for relations with her? As she left him a msg of goodbye/takecare something like that so regardless of hearing this or not, will he dump me if he realises?

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Is there any chance he may regret his manner and go back to her ? Coz that is what most are saying that if he feels he was in wrong theres a high chance he ll improve himself for relations with her? As she left him a msg of goodbye/takecare something like that so regardless of hearing this or not, will he dump me if he realises?


Maybe he would leave you to be with her if she wanted him. Maybe not. But do you feel comfortable in this insecure relationship? Are you in love with him?

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No these are not real posts. I'm sorry for these. I posted as different people to get different opinions. I honestly dont want to accept he likes or liked her so i posted these amd hid real details. Those arent real posts so it wouldnt help u .


Ithe truth is i joined this uni in 2015 and met him and we began having sex from 2016. He was here since 2014


Do you realize that the posters here actually care? They are here, taking time out of their lives to help people who are hurting. And here you are, lying and wasting people's time.


I wonder how many lies are in this story. Whether you're only lying to yourself or lying to us as well.

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Maybe he would leave you to be with her if she wanted him. Maybe not. But do you feel comfortable in this insecure relationship? Are you in love with him?


IF any of this is true, then what she is feeling is definitely not love. Mainly referring to her own post #130 "Lol thanks for proving I was right that he wants Me", that is not love. The guy is being disrespectful and chasing someone else, the OP just wants proof that she is the princess that matters.


I'm guessing OP simply gets her self-worth out of this guy.

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As per our friend, he always gets into non verbal arguments with her and they separate. This happened again so how? He invests tome with me and gets mad at her not me.


He gets more emotional with her. She gets under his skin. If he was indifferent to her you wouldn't be hearing anything about their tiffs.

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Maybe he would leave you to be with her if she wanted him. Maybe not. But do you feel comfortable in this insecure relationship? Are you in love with him?


No i dont. Its bothering that he never told her about me and continued to act available.

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