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Inter-reacial and flirting - possible deeper issues?

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Can you not block him from your personal phone?

Yes, i can and I hope that doesn't trigger him to contact me for personal reasons through work.

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If he has a right to contact you through work regarding business that is one thing but to continue to engage him on your private phone is keeping the door open and asking for trouble.

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Tell him to not contact you for personal reason anymore and if he doesn't comply it will be interpreted as harassment and you will contact the authority.


African men don't umderstand a 'no' as a 'no'. To them it means they need to pursue you harder. I once went on a date with an african man. I told him l was not interested in pursuing l suspected he was married. He did not take my 'no' for a 'no' but a message he needed to try harder. He called constantly, he figured where l lived and parked by my home, he would wait outside the metro at 5h to see me then he'd text me he loved the dress l had on, etc


I finally got rid of him by telling him in our country what he did was criminal and i'd call the police, he stopped. It's after that incident an African colleague explained to me how they date in most African countries and it takes a lot of'no' for a man to get it.

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Tell him to not contact you for personal reason anymore and if he doesn't comply it will be interpreted as harassment and you will contact the authority.


African men don't umderstand a 'no' as a 'no'. To them it means they need to pursue you harder. I once went on a date with an african man. I told him l was not interested in pursuing l suspected he was married. He did not take my 'no' for a 'no' but a message he needed to try harder. He called constantly, he figured where l lived and parked by my home, he would wait outside the metro at 5h to see me then he'd text me he loved the dress l had on, etc


I finally got rid of him by telling him in our country what he did was criminal and i'd call the police, he stopped. It's after that incident an African colleague explained to me how they date in most African countries and it takes a lot of'no' for a man to get it.



Oh my goodness what a scary experience you had to go through. What he did to you was stalking. I am glad you got rid of him. Thank you for informing me of this. I had no idea that he would think ''no' means try harder. Damn ok. Now I know.

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He's a racist himself, forget about him. He's probably full of hate and bigoted against any other opinion due to his hardships of his experiences. But you have to sympathise for him.


So-called "white privilege" is pretty much just basically inheritance via family. Africans had been enslaved for thousands upon thousands of years by non-whites. It was white people of mid-north Europe who fought off such slavery from the south of which later it was mostly the Americans and British who significantly helped most of the world make slavery illegal. And yet white people are now the bad guys... but no thanks given it seems.

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He's a racist himself, forget about him. He's probably full of hate and bigoted against any other opinion due to his hardships of his experiences. But you have to sympathise for him.


So-called "white privilege" is pretty much just basically inheritance via family. Africans had been enslaved for thousands upon thousands of years by non-whites. It was white people of mid-north Europe who fought off such slavery from the south of which later it was mostly the Americans and British who significantly helped most of the world make slavery illegal. And yet white people are now the bad guys... but no thanks given it seems.


Totally agree with you. This card gets somewhat over-played. I, personally, have never kept a slave and i bet that those that play this card have never been a slave themselves either. So having a go at me for slavery is, frankly, ridiculous and amounts to criticising me for something that somebody I don’t know did to somebody they don’t know. Absurd.

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We spoke at work.


I said that ALL people are equal and therefore should be treated equally with the same respect, no matter their skin colour, beliefs, race, education, money etc

And he said I think like that as i am born in the western world but in Africa it's not the same. Not all people are equal and not all people are to be treated with the same respect.

We ended it there as we can't get along with each other. So let's hope he stays away now.

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We spoke at work.


I said that ALL people are equal and therefore should be treated equally with the same respect, no matter their skin colour, beliefs, race, education, money etc

And he said I think like that as i am born in the western world but in Africa it's not the same. Not all people are equal and not all people are to be treated with the same respect.

We ended it there as we can't get along with each other. So let's hope he stays away now.



This man has problems upstairs eh!



He is born in a western country but yet he beleives women should be submitted to men because they are their superior.




I don't know in what country in Africa he has his root but I know an African man through work, his mother is a doctor and you bet she runs the show in the household.

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He's a racist himself, forget about him. He's probably full of hate and bigoted against any other opinion due to his hardships of his experiences. But you have to sympathise for him.


So-called "white privilege" is pretty much just basically inheritance via family. Africans had been enslaved for thousands upon thousands of years by non-whites. It was white people of mid-north Europe who fought off such slavery from the south of which later it was mostly the Americans and British who significantly helped most of the world make slavery illegal. And yet white people are now the bad guys... but no thanks given it seems.


I agree that no one should be blamed for something they didn’t directly do, including slavery. But this particular argument doesn’t change the fact that Whites did owned slaves and we most certainly do not owe anyone a thank you.

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I have read this site for years but finally joined to comment on this.


I can relate to dealing with racism but that doesn’t excuse his behavior. He sounds racist/bigoted and using racism towards him as an excuse to mistreat you. That’s not how you treat anyone, much less someone you are in a relationship with.


That’s a deep seeded issue with him, not you.









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I am pretty sure African women question their men all the time, hell they would beat them if need be.



So, yeah! He is a big liar!


I think what he said about you not understanding what it means to be black and all these things are so true and real. Their struggle is not to be ignored at all!


But you are not the one to be judged about it. It's the whole system!



Anyway, I am glad you left him, he is not a good match to you.

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We spoke at work.


I said that ALL people are equal and therefore should be treated equally with the same respect, no matter their skin colour, beliefs, race, education, money etc

And he said I think like that as i am born in the western world but in Africa it's not the same. Not all people are equal and not all people are to be treated with the same respect.

We ended it there as we can't get along with each other. So let's hope he stays away now.


I agree people are equal, but sadly this is not the reality of the world.


He is right and you will never know that.


You can never ever understand because you were never treated badly because of your race.


White is an angel, black is a devil! This is the idea of the world.



But that is not a reason to annoy you about it!


Life is unfair and you are not to be blamed about it.



If you read the history about what the European did to Africa in the past, you might get a glimpse, but even then you can't understand because you never lived there.


But like I said, he is not a good match to you, I hate men that want to play macho and inside they are empty. Give me a break, he either be with someone from his own race or learns to differentiate between politics and normal people.

Edited by Noproblem
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This whole idea of his that in "African culture" people do this and that, is nonsense. There is no such thing as "African culture". Africa is a huge continent with over 50 countries and a mix of lots of different cultures and religions.


There are sexist bigots to be found in every country in the world, not just African ones. This guy also happens to be a hypocrite - how can he complain about being discriminated against for his skin colour, but then be happy to discriminate against someone else for being female?


Congratulations for getting rid of this guy. Let him be someone else's problem.

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