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Why would he do this ?

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So one of my friends and I use to have a thing , we liked eachother alot but stuff happened and timing was just bad and we stopped talking. Anyway we had recently started talking again trying to build a friendship. We only see eachother at work and we text regularly because he really wants to still be in contact, I mentioned to him I was craving icecream but there wasn’t any at home so I was just gunna go to sleep to forget about it and he replied with “Let’s go” and I replied with “Wym”(what you mean) just because I wanted to clarify if he was inviting me or what. My message was left on read for 8 solid minutes and he then replied and said “Lol i’m jk “ and started to talk about how he was hungry so now i’m wondering why would he tell me to go with him and then take so long to reply as if he was thinking of what to say and then just say he was kidding?

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He did it because you responded with WYM. That 8 minutes of no response was him wondering how it went so wrong. Why did doubt he was asking you to go and get ice cream? Did he have a history of saying things he doesn't mean?


A better response would have been "give me 5 minutes and I'm good to go!". If he had replied that he was joking (I doubt he was), you could have joked in return about him getting you all excited and that if you don't sleep tonight it's squarely on him.

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Tonight, you should ask him to go for ice cream! Go for it. Life is too short.

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So that was a very casual conversation and you took that "Let's go" and blew it up into something loaded with meaning and repercussions when most people would just have said "Yes, meet you there" or "No, it's late, some other time." You're trying to get him to make some commitment through something as simple as you both being hungry for ice cream. You're going to scare men off if you keep that up. They aren't stupid. It's like you're saying, "Did you mean you wanted to date me?" and "Let's talk about that. What are your feelings?"


You need to calm down and stop trying to make things complicated!! Just go get ice cream already. Talk to him right now and ask him if he wants to go get ice cream -- and don't try to pull him into any big heavy conversations when you do or ask him about the 8 minutes. Just go and keep it light and stuff your piehole with ice cream and have fun.

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