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Hanging out with ex-gf's friends

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I feel sad for our friends who got caught in between me and my gf’s break up. Technically, they were her friends until I got introduced to them. We’ve made our own bond and I now consider them as my buddies too. I’ve talked to one of them recently and he said he missed the Sunday bbqs at each other’s houses. He said he wished we could all all hang out and none of it (our break up) would matter.


I don’t like the feeling of burdening people with the events of my life. I told him we could all still hangout if she’s (my ex) already comfortable with it. I think the last time we all hung out was during the new years party dating service celebration we had early 2018. So my friend said he’ll plan a day for us to get together again. Was I wrong to say it was fine to hangout with them? They were her friends first not mine.

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It's mean to hang out with her friends, plus it just sounds like your way of getting back into her life. You certainly shouldn't hang out when she's going to be there.

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How long ago was the break up? If it was a year or five years or ten years ago, then you both should probably commence acting like grown ups and get on with your lives. If it was a fresh break up, be considerate and give each other space.


It sounds like you made an honest mistake so I wouldn't worry about it. If it comes up or she tells you she's upset or looks upset you should come out with it at the gathering or apologize just to clear the air. Leave it on her court and end the relationship amicably. Why don't you have your own friends to have bbqs with by the way?

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The friends do get divided whenever their is a split. You keep your old friends & she disconnects from them. She keeps her old friends & you disconnect from them. You don't have to be mean. You don't have to announce it. You don't have to block anybody. You just fade away. Her friends from before are not your true friends. They have to pick her side; just let them & remember that discretion is the better part of valor. If you bump into them while out, be cordial but stop reaching out to purposefully interact with them. If your EX's friends continue to reach out to you, consider how disloyal that is to her & make sure you want fair weather friends like that in your life. I wouldn't.

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