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Please help this girl! Is he just a friend?


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Well, ever since I was fifteen (I'm eighteen now), I have been enthralled with one person :love: . He was a year older than me and graduated a year before me. I just started going to the same college. He has never had a girlfriend or even really dated anyone casually.


During the summer he took me around the college town (which is longer than an hour away from where we live). Then I didn't see him for two weeks, which was when be both moved into school. He came to my room the first day just to say hi :o .


During the first week he invited me to see a to see a movie with him and his friends. Then he invited me to do the same a second time and asked me why I haven't showed up to one of his frisbee games to play. He says he wants to introduce me to some people. He also said that in Novemeber I can really notice the heat in his dorm. So it seems like he wants me in his future.


What confuses me is that sometimes he dissappears :( . I won't hear from him in days. Does this mean something? I just leave him alone because I like to give people their space (I need mine as well). He has such and angelic look in his eyes when they meet mine. He's really different around me, he's on good behavior. I don't know if we are just friends. How can I let him know that I want to be more than friends without scaring away the rabbit? I couldn't stand to lose him. I always want to be with him.

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Little_Apple, I think he may be interested. You said yourself that he's never really dated anyone, so he may just be scared. He's invited you to go places with him and his friends, and "jokes" about how you didn't show up to one of his games. Trust your gut - if you feel it, he probably does too.


Since you've already hung out, why not ask him to do something ALONE with you? Tell him you want to check out the best restaurant in town and would love his company. Sounds like you need to do a little more nudging to see if your gut instinct is right.


Just because he "disappears" for a couple of days means nothing. You are both very busy with school and he probably doesn't want to bother you daily. Plus, absence makes the heart grow fonder. Good Luck!! ;)

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Is interest could be friendly or something more. You need to test him to see if he feels as you do. I know some do not like this method of feeling out a person but if you mention a guy that you think is interesting and he reacts with jealousy or not wanting to talk or gets quiet then you have hit a nerve.


If he encourges you to pursue this guy then he is a friend.


Good Luck...

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