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best way to initiate


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So I wanna ask my ex if she would like to start going out. It has been exactly one year since we met. We broke up in January. I had a family medical emergency that, along with school and work, occupied a large amount of my time. Mentally I was a wreck and really stressed out. She said we should take a break in January and to be honest she did me a favor. We started communicating again mostly via text messaging in april. we saw each other for the first time about 1 1/2 months ago when she came over to my house. things went well , we just did some catching up. I TM'ed her after that and told her it was great seeing her and asked if she would want to hang out again to which she simply replied "sure". since then i havent heard much from her. i recently asked her if she would teach me how to drive a manual transmission and I planned on asking her about going out again when we meet. She Tm'ed me back and said that she wasnt available on friday or saturday but sunday and thursday would be fine. First weekend i asked she said she was going to the beach. Second weekend I TM'ed her and she said sunday would be good. I called twice no answer. I left a message. She never called back. I TM'ed her and asked if she even wanted to do this. she said she does but she " had a lot going on lately" . I TM'ed her back said that was fine and that i hope everything was ok. I have yet to hear from her and im feeling that the situation is pretty grim. The advice im looking for is :What do I do now. I want her to know my intentions but i dont feel comfortable calling her up saying this. Do you think a text message woulod be acceptable? If so, how do i phrase it? i dont want to just say "hey, want to try going out again?" What should/ can I do? Thanks in advance for any advice

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" had a lot going on lately" .


She is seeing someone else and has moved on .. She doesn't want to tell you and hurt your feelings as well as she has you as a backup plan this way.



Don't contact her anymore and see if she contacts you .. She knows how you feel.


and I do feel that she has moved you into the dreaded " just friends " catagory

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All the same I would like to come right out with it. I would rather know for sure than assume she is seeing someone else. Maybe I can sweet talk her back, ever see "Things to do in Denver when you're Dead"?;) What should i say? Should I Text message or ask her to meet somewhere? How should i say it?

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I agree with Art_Critic except for the fact that she does not have you as "just friends" because if she did, she would not care if you knew she was seeing someone else. If you continue to call her and think you can sweet talk her back, you are wrong. Who knows? Maybe she is not with someone else... maybe she is playing hard to get with you. But again, if she wanted to go out with you, she would. SHE IS NOT ANSWERING HER CALLS!!!... to me that means SHE IS PROBABLY SEEING SOMEONE!

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I don't think the question here goes about whether she is seeing someone or not. She could be seeing someone and be in love with you. But I think she is just not interested in you and it makes no difference whether she is seeing someone else or not.


She is rejecting you, because she knows your intentions are to get back together (she is not stupid, don't underestimate women's intuition). And here we come to the point that she is probably seeing someone so she doesn't want to date you in any case. I think you should tell her that you just want to be friends with her, nothing else.


If she still likes you, she will accept that offer. Then you can seduce her with your charm, humor, and whatever worked the first time. ;)

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well, i sent her a letter telling her of my intentions. she sent me a text message saying I could call her anytime (I told her in my letter that i was reluctant to call). I called her a few days ago and we caught up for about a half hour and i asked her if she would like to go out this weekend. she said sure. :) :) :)

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