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Flight flirtation: follow up or not

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Met an absolutely gorgeous guy on recent flight and exchanged pleasantries and some gentle flirting for quite a while. But we didn't exchange names or numbers! He is way out of my league and I have since figured out his detail. We work in same industry - should I send a connection ask via LinkedIn? Or is that too stalker-y?

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If you don't know his name how will you find him on Linked in or any place else?


I don't see a problem reaching out but don't get your hopes up.

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If he was interested he would have stopped and introduced himself. He was just having some fun to pass the time away on a what would be a boring flight. A lot of people are flirty just to be flirty with no other intentions.

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Sure, if you enjoyed talking to him ... connecting via LinkedIn is fine ...


He might turn out to be a good industry contact ... or who knows? ... I think LinkedIn is the perfect way to go ... because all you're signaling so far is professional interest. And then you can go from there.

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Met an absolutely gorgeous guy on recent flight and exchanged pleasantries and some gentle flirting for quite a while. But we didn't exchange names or numbers! He is way out of my league and I have since figured out his detail. We work in same industry - should I send a connection ask via LinkedIn? Or is that too stalker-y?


If he didn't get your name, he's not interested. If a guy is interested in you he will get your name, where you're from, how to look you up and he won't beat around the bush about it.


If he's as gorgeous as you say he is, he probably has a girlfriend already. Just sayin'.

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Appreciate the feedback and perspective as after a 19 year relationship with my ex which began when I was 18 (and I had a very sheltered upbringing), my vibes radar is way off. My ex was very controlling and abusive. In the last years of the relationship, he did some very evil things to me so between doctors, police and lawyers, im ready to leave that and probably relationships behind me entirely as what he did left me with baggage - and tbh: I'm not sure I could trust anyone ever again. I'm also under no illusions about how I look and that at the age of 40, being alone is probably what lies ahead. But I'm ok with that - I know what true isolation and loneliness is and I'll never be in that situation again in a foreign country without friends or family which are the most important things. (I'm returning to the country I grew up in).

And to reassure some of the other respondents: he told me alot about his company because we work in the same small industry so his detail was easy find on LinkedIn. He doesn't have kids and was returning from vacation on his own (it was an adventure/outdoorsy type holiday). That doesn't mean he doesn't have a girlfriend though!!!!

I used to travel a lot with work - and that type of thing had never happened before. Also convo began as we were delayed in embarking. I got off first and was quite far ahead of him. But in a very crowded and busy security area, he stood right beside me and he really didn't have to. But likely coincidence. Very easy conversation recommenced - I'd say he is as nerdy and introverted as I am because of what we both do professionally...

However I appreciate the feedback because I think when one has been traumatized by a horrific situation, it's hard to know what's what. I didn't give him my name either. But I'm going to leave it at what it was - an interesting conversation with a nice chap - and a wee confirmation that I'm not entirely invisible yet!!

Thanks again - appreciated

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If you already found his profile, go ahead & click on it. See what happens. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

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So sent the LinkedIn connection request and he accepted it in less than a five min wait! I have four times more in my LinkedIn network than he has so I don't think it's a particular social/professional platform he 'lives' in. I'm not reading anything else into it nor doing or sending anything else. I'm just chuffed with myself - maybe there is a little life left ahead of me yet. What doesn't kill you certainly makes you stronger!!!!

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So sent the LinkedIn connection request and he accepted it in less than a five min wait! I have four times more in my LinkedIn network than he has so I don't think it's a particular social/professional platform he 'lives' in. I'm not reading anything else into it nor doing or sending anything else. I'm just chuffed with myself - maybe there is a little life left ahead of me yet. What doesn't kill you certainly makes you stronger!!!!


You are reading to much into this. Go add this person in linkedin, say hello and talk to him and get to know each other. Ask him if he has a girlfriend directly instead of wasting time in a forum :) Wondering "what if" all the time is what kills you.



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To update: @mountaingirl111 you are right. I did establish contact; we chatted for the week I was overseas; and he provided enormously useful help for an interview process I am currently in. I even got the courage to ask him to meet for coffee but he politely declined. @mountaingirl111 is so right. It's better to take a chance and try (politely, safely etc, etc), than wonder....

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To update: @mountaingirl111 you are right. I did establish contact; we chatted for the week I was overseas; and he provided enormously useful help for an interview process I am currently in. I even got the courage to ask him to meet for coffee but he politely declined. @mountaingirl111 is so right. It's better to take a chance and try (politely, safely etc, etc), than wonder....


It was not mountaingirl who said this, it was me :D



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To update: @mountaingirl111 you are right. I did establish contact; we chatted for the week I was overseas; and he provided enormously useful help for an interview process I am currently in. I even got the courage to ask him to meet for coffee but he politely declined. @mountaingirl111 is so right. It's better to take a chance and try (politely, safely etc, etc), than wonder....


Good job making the move!

Just curious: Did he give you an excuse for why he declined your coffee invitation?

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He was traveling with work - and it was my last day before I flew back to the USA. He was very gracious - wished me well with interview process and travel back. So a gentlemanly refusal.

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