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Do i have any right to speak up?

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I have a very strange relationship with my boyfriend. First let me explain my situation. It is a very strange one. My BF and I got together 3 yrs ago and it lasted for a yr then we broke up when i went away to study. (my BF and I had gotten together during a time i was seperated from my husband) two yrs later i am back but i am back living with my husband. My husband and I will be getting a divorce but for several reasons mainly our daughter i am just living here with the understanding that I will be moving out in October of this year. My boyfriend and I have already been talking about our plans for our future, getting married some day, named our first unborn child... etc and all was going happy happy joy joy full of love.


Now my problem is this, my boyfriend has this friend who is a girl. they have been friends for years and are very close. From before i even came into the picture. They hang out all the time. Go to movies and even on overnight trips to the cayes (island near by) and were both seen dancing a couple days ago in some very inappropriate ways. Now they never hide this because they maintain they are just friends.


Now i am kinda stuck in a wierd situaton because we don't go out in public because while i am living here i don't want to disrespect my husband even tho we have this understanding so i don't go out in public with my boyfriend. So i feel like i have no place to be telling my boyfriend that his inappropriate behavior with this girl is bothering me. I feel like maybe i have no right to say anything because - well - hello... look where i am living. you know. I try to not do anything to make my BF feel insecure. I never go out in public with my husband anymore. I sleep in a different room and at no time do i ever tolorate any inappropriate behavior from my husband. There is NO touching, no holding hands, no nothing. Because that would be disrespectful to my bf. To be seen in public with my own husband looking happy and loving would be disrespecting my bf so i don't do that. I make an effort to NOT DO anything that would make him feel any more insecure than he probably already does.


my question is this.... do i have any right to be upset? to even say anything? Should he have to redefine his friendship with this girl for me when i have not managed to move out as yet? I feel very disrespected here.

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