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How can i prove to him that i am not going to do anything with his bestf

youngfinelady girlie

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youngfinelady girlie

My boyfriend of 3 years and i are in a little disagreement. He is worried that i may end up doing something with his bestfriend, and there is now way that i can assure him that nothing is going to happen.

I have to be totally honest his friend and i flirt like there is nothing to it and we also have this strong connection with each other. even with all of this i still think of it as just flirting. The only down fall to this i would have to be stupid and childish to say that others who are on the outside looking in can't see the cymistry that the two of us have. Honestly, there has been a couple a of times when people that have just met us have asked me what is the relationship between me and his friend and I and am i sure that all it is just flirting.

example1.:A couple of nights ago it was my man, me, the bestfriend, and a co-worker of a the bestfriend. ( she just happens to be female) she had asked me when my man had left the room how long did i know his bestfriend, and when i explained to her that i know his bestfriend because my man and him are the best of she looked at me as if she where in total disgust with me and the bestfriend.

example 2: that same night i did lean on his bestfriend when he was laying across the bed. ( in my defense i was laying on the bed first and his friend sat next to me and was laying on me first.) i know i am still wrong.

example 3: there was atleast 4 times when his friend put his forehead on mine and was talking to me with his face right in my face. if he really wanted to he could have kissed me and thougth nothing of it. I KNOW I KNOW BIG NO NO. and maybe that goes a little more past flirting.

examole 4: there was also a moment in which i was playing with his hair.

Even with all of this being done i still feel as if he should but his trust into me and know that i will not do anything physical with his friend. The was the biggest test of them all when my man had left to go pick our son. He left and it was just his friend and i. His friend told me that since i was complaining that it was so hot that i should get naked. In which case i responded back with " I AM NOT DRUNK ENOUGH." So his friend told me that he would start first. (he never did he just changed the subject after that) then he told me that i should hook him up because he has been dry for awhile. Even then i still shut him down.

I told my man all of this but instead of him being happy for me not doing what his friend asked me to he tells me that he feels that there is going to happen between his friend and i. he also goes as far as to say that he has already put it in his mind that there is no need for him to assume no other way in thinking.

how can i let him know that nothing like that is going to happen. how do i prove to him that even when i did have the chance to do something i didnt did it. PLEASE JUST BE HONEST WITH YOUR RESPONSES:(

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how do you prove to him? this is going to be harsh


Quit being trashy and flirting with your BOYFRIENDS best FRIEND in FRONT OF HIM, really is that an answer you couldnt of come up with your own


and the fact that you are SHOCKED at his reaction to the situation just proves u dont belong with this guy or any guy, is there some secret hidden city where girls like you exist and some weird chemical in the air to make guys actually put up with it? cuz damn, 99% of the BS on the site about girls cheating I would of NOT tolerated and they would of been out of their ass

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I think you're the same person that made a post in here about your b/f saying you will sleep with his best friend. I think you should refer back to that post you made, and read the comments people left you on that one. Cuz I think you're going to get pretty much the same response no matter how many posts you make on the matter. :confused:





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Go to complete 'no contact' with his friend.


Meaning, you don't hang out. You don't flirt. You don't talk on the phone. You don't see each other alone. You don't email. You don't IM. You aren't 'friends'. You get the picture.


Your b/f will not believe you unless you cut the guy as completely out of your life as possible, leaving absolutely no doors open for anything more to happen.


You have cut your own throat when it comes to trust. As long as you have any contact with this guy, your b/f has absolutely no reason to trust you. None.

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