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My boyfriend is an idiot!

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My boyfriend is such a moron! I can’t believe we are still together. I don’t think I can continue to tolerate him any longer. He’s like such a sleazeball! We went to a bar that we usually hang out at, with our friends and I like totally caught him in the act! He was flirting with a group of Lima women and the girls were being really touchy with him too! It like totally made me so upset, like you wouldn’t believe! Maybe I should just end things with him, what do you guys think? He keeps saying sorry and telling me, “Baby, I promise I’ll change” every time I say I want to break up, but he never does and I’m sick of his lies! Is it time to finally let go?

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Your call. As long as you put up with it and still sleep with him, he has no incentive to stop. It's very disrespectful.

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I caught my ex giving a girl a back/shoulder massage at a nightclub we went to together.


He pretended he thought it was me.


She had brown hair and I had platinum blonde:sick:


He never did change.... After we broke up, he dated a supermodel and low and behold... years later, his friend messaged me to say he tried to cheat on her with another model:sick:


There is a difference between being socially outgoing, to being inappropriate. Plus - it is only OKAY if you can tolerate it. Some women (and men!) have no issues with their partners flirting! Some jobs require flirting and sleezing...


The majority of men though, even the most confident of men - tend to like to safeguard their relationships... They find a girl they REALLY like, and they make sure they don't screw it up. Usually, for emotionally mature men, their love for a special girl is stronger than their urges to flirt.


Then you get the men who will never change. My ex is one of them.


In any case - even if he really loves you and is simply a dirty flirt no matter WHAT woman he dates - it is obviously not something you are happy to live with - or else, you would not be here posting this....


Break up with him or stop complaining. I know it sucks, but you will eventually be over it.


Just don't be silly enough to believe he will change, or cave in to him begging please.

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Based on what you wrote, you’ve given him more than one chance. Honestly, even one chance was too many. Whenever a guy shows you who he is by his behavior, believe him. Do not ever stay in a relationship where there are dealbreakers and you expect him to change. It won’t happen.

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My boyfriend is such a moron!


Don't be one, too.


He won't change, so it seems clear you should break up with him.

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