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Quitting Smoking - Again , grrrrr

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Ok folks - my last cigarette was Friday night - and until today it was pretty easy to give them up - but tonight is REALLY bad.


I know at this point it is primarily psychological - and I would be a fool to give in, but OMG I really want one!


Seems to be easy when I'm with my b/f (who is vehemently opposed to smoking), but home alone - is a whole other matter!


Any words of encouragement and more importantly a silver bullet to kill this ugly habit once and for all would be GREATLY appreciated!

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Thank you both so much for even taking the time to read my post, let alone respond!


Sillysally - WOW what a site - I'm going to spend quite a bit of time there!


Outcast - great idea, but during my only other attempt to quit, I discovered I had a wicked allergy to the patch! It really worked, but I couldn't take it.


Thanks to you both!

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I was a heavy smoker for years, and when I decided to quit, someone who had used this, turned me on to this product. http://www.quitsmoking.com/ezquit/ezquit.htm


I ordered four of them off the website, and chewed my way through three of them until I was finally able to let them go, 3 months into quiting. I'd have to say that without this product, I probably would have smoked again. It gave me something that felt like a cigarette - especially the inhale feeling.


BTW I am in no way affiliated with this company. I'm just passing on the good graces of something that was shown to me, when I was quitting. And it really helped.


Quiting is still alot of pain and daily willpower. But each day is a victory, if you can just say no.



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