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True love and past experiences...

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I have a problem that doesn't quite exist yet. Please let me explain. My boyfriend and I have been dating for nine months now, and I'm totally, 100% sure that he's the one for me. I've had other boyfriends, but it hasn't been like this it all. I love him more than anything in the world; more than life itself.


The problem, however, is that in 10 days my parents' jobs are forcing us to move from Guam to Nebraska, which is what, 10,000 miles away? Next summer, he'll move back stateside...so we can see each other again, finally. We've said that we'll stay together even attending different high schools, and in 3 years we'll go to the same college.


If anyone has any advice or experiences like this one that succeeded, please share them with me. I'd love to hear them :)

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It doesn't matter if you're 100 percent sure he's the one for you...he has to also be 100 percent sure you're the one for him. If that's the case, you shouldn't have a problem.


I will tell you, however, you open yourself for serious heartbreak by majorly counting on this to happen. People's feelings change. Long distance relationships are very difficult to keep going, particularly at your age when both of you will be exposed to many other people.


If this was meant to be, it will happen. Just trust that. Otherwise, don't go bonkers if you meet someone else...or if he does. At your age, it's highly likely you'll fall head over heels for three or four others before you graduate. I know I did...and most of my friends fell for even more. And long distance problems had nothing to do with it.


I know you're broken hearted about the parting. Do whatever you can to keep this going. But don't count 100 percent on your guy not seeing other people in your absence...and don't count 100 percent on your ability not to be enticed by other guys you see at school.


Be realistic about this and it will happen. But it's going to take a whole lot of work. Don't try to control your guy. He's a free man and can do whatever he wants...just like you.

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