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long time

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I was just thinking the other day how I had not seen the boards in awhile. And that's probably a good thing. I just wanted to say that the board really helped me think about things, and how to move on. Tony, Paulie, Rogue, and many of you guys and girls out there helped me past the difficult time I was having. I didn't have to go it alone.


Things are great now, and I'm happy, for the first time in a LONG time. I've been dating awhile, but I'm ok just being with my friends or even alone. I don't think about the past or her much, once in awhile we end up in the same club or something, but it all seemes so far away. It's like seeing someone I want to grade school with, or a friend I used to hang out with. I've come a long way...


You guys have been a lot of help. You showed me the right path, even though I couldn't see it right away. Thanks so much!



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Everybody has to go through it, some more than others. I'm glad you got through everything OK. Thanks for your expression of gratitude. That certainly makes this forum worthwhile for all who participate.


Good luck to you.

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Reading your post is pretty refreshing, Kalik. You're absolutely right, you've gone a long way,man !! WOW! Glad to hear that things are going well for you. All of us here knew you were well worth the effort in setting you straight. Besides, what happened to you happened to all of us too. We were all in the same boat at one time or another, so it was easy for us to relate to you.


I have feeling you'll do MUCH MUCH better next time around. I can tell you're a lot more mature now.

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