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Technology and the degradation of dating/relationships/marriage

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Because I am a realist. I understand that people have their issues. I know I have mine, and I am sure you have yours. Sometimes, the good outweighs the bad. My relationship is great so I don't need any advice about what to do, thanks.


Sure, my GF is addicted to her phone, but again, my experience is that almost all women these days are just as addicted to their phones as she is, even though I am sure none of the posters here are addicted :rolleyes:


This thread was supposed to be about how tech has affected dating and relationships, so I gave my opinion on it, which is based on far more than just my current GF, as I have described in my posts.



You seemed bothered by the phone issue. Perhaps I got the wrong impression.


I wasn't trying to lecture you, just sharing my opinion. That's all.


And if the good outweighs the bad, then that's great. Good luck.

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