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Regaining respect vs trust

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I'm not sure I could ever regain respect once lost, but I think trust could be regained with a lot of transparency.


No, I do not think gender plays a role.

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Do you think it's more difficult to regain respect or trust, once lost? Are they inextricable and do you think gender plays a role?


I'm trying to think of a set of circumstances that would cause me to lose one without the other. If I don't respect my partner, pretty hard to trust them to hold up their end of a relationship. And if I don't trust them, probably means they've done something disrespectful.


Seems intertwined and gender neutral...


Mr. Lucky

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In general trust.




I trust my boss, I know he's a man of his word and if he says something he'll deliver it. Do I respect him though?......Lets say we have an ugly past and it's hard at times. I don's lack respect toward him ever but in my heart and mind it's hard to feel the type of respect I had once for him.




In a romantic relationship I'd need both, I would not stick around someone I don't trust or don't respect.

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I think it's harder to gain trust. Trust is my own feelings. Respect is dependant on a set of principles that are not shifting at a whim. So he can regain my respect by what he does. The respect is objective. I can respect someone I dislike. Trust is not entirely dependant on what he does. People who are not trusting, just won't trust anybody. It's an emotion.

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