lilmoma1973 Posted September 8, 2005 Share Posted September 8, 2005 How many women feel they need to be warmed up before sex? Why is it that some men want to put it in and go with it? I'm like a car i need to be warmed up !!! Are there any women like this too? Link to post Share on other sites
NTB Posted September 8, 2005 Share Posted September 8, 2005 i think there are a lot of women who are like you, needing to be warmed up but there are also those who want us to just put it in different wants different needs Link to post Share on other sites
nosybear819 Posted September 8, 2005 Share Posted September 8, 2005 I don't know about you lilmoma but when he touches me, kisses me, or looks at me in that way I "get warmed up" from that. So no I don't require any warming up..however..he never tries to just "put it in and go with it" anyway. Some men are like that tho' they think step 1: get hard, step 2: put it in step, 3: Maybe you oughta show him how you want things to go next time. Take control of the situation. Link to post Share on other sites
JadeStar Posted September 8, 2005 Share Posted September 8, 2005 I'm like that too. I like to have some foreplay going on before getting right to it. There have been times when my hubby would just say, lets get naked and we go to it, which is fine sometimes, but most of the time I want some foreplay action first. Jade Link to post Share on other sites
Chimerical Posted September 8, 2005 Share Posted September 8, 2005 I've always found it depends on the situation, and my mood. Some day's I'm ready to go at a moments notice, other day's I need a lot of warming up. I was with a guy that had the whole "git-r-done" mentality, and it resulted in some.. uh... rough situations sometimes. Instead of foreplay though, he bought KY. *roll eyes* Which usually meant by the time he was done, I was just getting warmed up. Link to post Share on other sites
whichwayisup Posted September 8, 2005 Share Posted September 8, 2005 Depends on how much time we have...I find morning sex we both are just naturally hornier at that hour so it doesn't take much to get me going...Just feeling his hot skin next to mine is enough! If it's over the weekend or early enough in the evening then we fool around abit first... Link to post Share on other sites
Author lilmoma1973 Posted September 8, 2005 Author Share Posted September 8, 2005 thanks to all your replys and i can be that way too!! but most the time i need to have my engine reved up!!! lol my h always seems to want to get to it.. you know to get his nut !! i feel that he is all about himself and not worrying wether or not im ready .. i think he is very selfish and inconsiderate when he acts this way and makes me not want to do anything.. i guess women and men are just wired different ..thanks for all the replys Link to post Share on other sites
portableversion Posted September 8, 2005 Share Posted September 8, 2005 he is being VERY selfish and inconsiderate. HE is using you like he would a blow-up doll. Tell him if that's what he wants, then he should buy one. Then you should check out his best friend. Maybe he'd be more 'considerate' Link to post Share on other sites
cplfun13 Posted September 9, 2005 Share Posted September 9, 2005 I dont need a lot of foreplay, maybe a few kisses on the neck or a few little whispers of what he wants can get me going. But I do need something. Just like if I walked up to him and said stick it in me now... He couldnt do it, it would take at least 2 seconds.... HA HA Link to post Share on other sites
Del Posted October 13, 2005 Share Posted October 13, 2005 I've been married 16 years now and my wife needs and likes sex less and less (2 times a month is fine with her). Many times she would say that she needs to get warmed up. Now the problem is that if I take too long, she starts to yawn, and becomes dis-interested. To me it's a lose, lose situatian. Most speeds works for me, but I can never guess and she rarely gives any hints as too which pace to proceed. Link to post Share on other sites
whichwayisup Posted October 13, 2005 Share Posted October 13, 2005 Start earlier in the evening, don't wait until "bedtime." Make a romantic evening of it and make her feel sexy and hot! Link to post Share on other sites
TUDOR Posted October 13, 2005 Share Posted October 13, 2005 For all of you women saying you do need to be warmed up....define what warming up is for you. Some have said it is just kissing or heavy petting, oral, etc.....but I'm curious what some of you consider warming up. Also if you require it and other than the obvious signs like getting wet and just out and saying put in long does it take for your warm up period. Link to post Share on other sites
MustB1 Posted October 13, 2005 Share Posted October 13, 2005 A little of this a little of that, a lot of this and some of that, it's all good and doesn't have to be just any one way. Sometimes no foreplay is fine and it is all about sharing love whether it is making love or just having sex. Link to post Share on other sites
bunnzy Posted October 13, 2005 Share Posted October 13, 2005 what an ambigious answer. Every woman is different. When they are hot and wet and moaning a little, you are ususally good. But you need to COMMUNICATE with your lover regardless. ask her what gets her going, when she is ready, what she does and doesnt like etc... Link to post Share on other sites
tonyp56 Posted October 14, 2005 Share Posted October 14, 2005 To the OP, does he have a problem with keeping an erection? Something you ladies need to figure out, some men (I'd think most) can't keep an erection very long without being touched. For me, it gets worn out, I mean an x amount of time is x amount of time, either it is being used for something or it is being wasted. I can tell from experience, I would do pretty much the same thing, because I was afraid of losing it. This may or may not be what is going on, but I thought I would tell you from a man's point-of-view what it is like to be expected to get excited (which is what foreplay does, yes even a man likes it), but not be able to have intercourse for 5, 10, 15, 20 etc. minutes. Ask him if there is anything that you don't do for him first (makes men feel like they are in control) that way when you tell him what he doesn't do for you, he might look at it as a trade off (he gives you more foreplay, you give him whatever). Talk to him; tell him that you need more attention. Don't ask him if he has a problem, but ask him what it would take for him to give you more foreplay before sex. You've got to say much the same thing that you did here, tell him what it is that he does that you don't like, and tell him what you want. You need to sit down with him and figure this out. Don't let him to keep doing this, and not let him know that he is doing wrong. Chances are, he doesn't fully realize that he is doing wrong (yes, even if you told him in passing "I wish you'd give me a little more foreplay"). I'm sorry, but that’s the way most men are. And I am only trying to help you, so that you get what it is that you want. Yes, women like to be warmed up, some more than others, but unlike women, men, have, well a short attention span. An erection takes energy, and it doesn't last forever. So when a man (at least some) gets one, he thinks "If I don't do this now, I won't be able to." Link to post Share on other sites
New_Wife Posted October 14, 2005 Share Posted October 14, 2005 Welll.....My hubby is BIG, so if I'm not properly lubed - nothing's going anywhere. Try forcing a pinto in a coat closet sometime & you'll see the problem really quick. Foreplay can be whatever your woman likes. I don't think it's possible to get a set-formula for it. I might like being bit on the neck, and another woman might find this odd and painful. Just depends on the person. Link to post Share on other sites
stampgirl Posted October 20, 2005 Share Posted October 20, 2005 Tony, I have to be honest and say that never crossed my mind. I guess I have always been one of those girls who thought guys could turn on and off like a switch, so that's kind of a revelation. Personally though, as I've gotten older I don't need as much foreplay as I used to..although it may just be the fact that I'm so hot for my husband I'm always ready for him Link to post Share on other sites
megabit15 Posted October 20, 2005 Share Posted October 20, 2005 For all of you women saying you do need to be warmed up....define what warming up is for you. The biggest warm up is feeling loved and appreciated by your partner and loving and appreciating him in return. After that, I think it varies Link to post Share on other sites
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