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Well, hello. The fact that you find it necessary to only say hello indicates you are either a very friendly person or you are far too shy to say anymore. You may feel insecure about disclosing anymore about your life and your problems.


You may have found yourself too busy this morning to say much more. Or you may have been confounded with the spelling of a word and decided saying hello was all you could handle at this time.


You may not be good with the English language and therefore ashamed of trying to expound on your problem or opinions.


I suspect you are just a friendly guy. But if there was more you wanted to say and just couldn't get it out, by all means see a therapist or psychological counsellor who can help you with your communication skills.


I'm glad you stopped by and I hope this has helped. And, again, a GREAT BIG HELLO TO YOU!!!

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hello to you to, and thanks for popping in to say hello!! :) or bonjour, bon giornio, hallo...


but for now (it's 1am), i will say so long, farewell, auf weidersehen, adieu....or bonne nuit, buon notte, guten nacht!!!



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