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my feelings changed in this relationship of 5 years ,I dont know what happened

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I've been in a relationship in about 5 years got engaged in 1998.We met in McDonalds.When we first met I felt attracted to him we started going to the movies and it was so much fun.I dont know how it happened but I dont have sexual feelings like I used too.I just dont feel atrracted to him like I used to.I feel guilty.But its just not there I guess like it used to be.I dont know how it happened.He always says "why dont you kiss me anymore" it just seems hard to kiss when im not atrracted to him.I dont know if ill ever feel atrracted to him again. Ever since I started fantasizing about my pen pal,I fantasize about a married life and children.

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Don't get married to this guy. Break up and stay buddies. Great relationships start off with a lot more than attraction and going to the movies. And you have to have a whole lot more than just attraction. But without the attraction and all the other things, like caring, committment, communications, shared goals, shared philosophies, common interests, etc., you've got nothing at all.


If you had even mediocre communications, you would have broken up with this guy a very long time ago. If he had an ounce of sense, he would know that you were not into him sufficiently to get married. So, on the face of it, he's too stupid for you to marry.


Cut your losses and get away from this dude. You'll be doing both of you a favor. Do it today. Yes, you will feel some loss but you will also feel a lot of relief. This is a ZERO deal.


Make room for someone to come into your life who you can be excited about.

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Sometimes after you have been with someone for a long time some of the spice dwindles. But you can try to fix that and spice it up more. Remember what attracted you at first. New or unknown things are always exciting but they will get unexciting eventually also unless you keep it lively. That takes work and maybe that is what you need to try in this relationship. Tell him how he can turn you on and vice versa. Think about what you want in the future and when and if you leave this relationship that you truely do not want to be with him. Make it something you will not regret later.

I've been in a relationship in about 5 years got engaged in 1998.We met in McDonalds.When we first met I felt attracted to him we started going to the movies and it was so much fun.I dont know how it happened but I dont have sexual feelings like I used too.I just dont feel atrracted to him like I used to.I feel guilty.But its just not there I guess like it used to be.I dont know how it happened.He always says "why dont you kiss me anymore" it just seems hard to kiss when im not atrracted to him.I dont know if ill ever feel atrracted to him again. Ever since I started fantasizing about my pen pal,I fantasize about a married life and children.
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