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ex opened up but i got no where


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I went to the ex’s last night. I really don’t know what to say about it, and I don’t know what kind of responces I am expecting to hear from this site but I really just needed to vent. Im going to try and sum it up as much as I can.


I got there and it was not weird in anyway. Pretty much the whole night he kept telling me comments on how good I smelled and that I was pretty and all that. Eventually he would find ways to touch me somehow. He ventured in his room and so did his roommate cause his roommate was tryin to take somehtin of his to wear that night. I was sittin on the bed next to my ex and he layed next to me and started playin with my hair and everything. He even found ways to hug me


As I was getting ready to leave we started like play arguing about something. And we bickered back and forth about it for a good while and it was almost like he was stallin. Eventually I was like well im leavin (none of this was like mean fighting just play) and im never comin back ever. He got upset and started going into little boy mode. And he was saying how he was upset that I said that.


I said this is why we don’t get along we argue to much. Not being serious at all about this. Then he all of a sudden comes out and says “its all my fault” I said what are u talking about he said its all my fault I messed up with us. I said oook totally not expectin that. I said well what are u tryin to accomplish with this conversation? He said I don’t know. Im not sure, maybe nothing at all. I said it wasn’t toally ur fault I had to grow up too and change and so did u. and he asked how I had to change and I told him.


He eventually says he cant stand hearing people say they see me out with other guys. And that everyday hes reminded of how he made a mistake. And that he cant just stop carring about me and loving me. But its not the right time, hes not ready for a long term relationship. He told me he sees me in his future and I said the same.


So pretty much I have come to the conculsion that I am in the same spot a before. Its been a YEAR since we have broken up and he tells me all this. How can he say this to me? He said he doenst want me to wait for him and I said I haven’t and im not. He told me his worst fear is for me to meet someone else.


Its been a YEAR and we are in the same spot. That he needs to grow up and be alone and be with the guys and party. What am I suppose to do? I want to not think about so much but I just cant help not too. Im don’t wish we didn’t have this conversation because I have been wondering this for a long time………..but what now???? Theres so much more that happened and what was said but im not tryin to make this sooo long. But the whole night was almost like he wanted to be together. I was not expectin all this to be said and I know hes being serious there is no doubt in my mind…..but im left feelin alone again….

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Its been a YEAR and we are in the same spot. That he needs to grow up and be alone and be with the guys and party. What am I suppose to do?


Walk away, forget about him, he's not the right guy for you. Don't waste another year of your life being his ex.

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