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long distance confusion

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Okay me and this guy have been going out for a while now we used to be best friends in junior high then I moved away I havent seen him in 3 years yet I've never felt this way about anyone ever!! I've sent oictures and he's sent me pics also he tells me he loves me and Isome what belive him I am just being cautious He calls me maybe 3 or 4 times a week My mom really likes him as a matter of fact she is the one tha t got me talking to him in the 6th grade in the first place My dad says it wont last My boyfriend tells me he will move up here as soon as he graduates and saves up enough money so should I enjoy this to-good-to-be-true relationship or realize its just a fantisy and give up keep in mind I really really love this guy I cant see my life without him!!!!!!!!

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I'm with your dad. People change and grow apart when they aren't around each other. You haven't been around this guy in three years! He is likely to be a much different person IF he actually does move close to you when he graduates.


Considering your age, it is likely you will fall for other guys before you finally make a lifelong committment. You owe it to yourself to be open to other relationships. To hold out for some fantasy thing that may or may not happen and pass on good, healthy in person relationships while you are young is not what you should be doing.


While you are young, you should be enjoying life and not getting bogged down with dreams that are unlikely to become reality.


For all we know, this guy is exchanging pictures, calls and mail with other ladies as well.


Nothing in the world will ever subsitute for seeing someone right in the same town where you live. On the other hand, if this is the very best you can do for yourself right now, take the gamble and go for it. But be ready for heartbreaking disappointment if it comes to that.

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