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Insurance for children?

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My ex covers the insurance for the children and she is getting a new job.

So now there is going to be a 60 day gap until insurance from her new job starts.

My oldest is 19 and she wants him to start covering himself through his own job... which he could.

My question is, as parents are we legally bound to keep a 19 year old covered?


One of our quirks in our divorce is she pays under her policy... for both children, but since he's 19 now... I don't know if that applies for him?? Maybe she can boot him off if he can get it on his own.


She wants too temporarily get Obamacare for herself and our minor child...


Any ideas?

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Happy Lemming

So now there is going to be a 60 day gap until insurance from her new job starts.


Why don't you purchase short term "major medical" coverage for the 60 day gap. Its pretty cheap.


PM me if you want the website I use.

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