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I Falling Apart. Please Help!

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I really need some type of comfort here. I have never really had a real relationship before. I mean, sure I've dated, but I've never fallen for someone like I did this summer. I met this beautiful, smart wonderful woman who made me feel like I have never felt before. For three months we spent everyday together building what I thought was a strong beautiful relationship. We have been through more things than most couples do in a lifetime but I cant talk about them in specific. I can only say that I jeapordized everything, family, friends, my life to be with her when she needed me most. I did so much for her and gave her all of my love. I was there when she needed me, I did anything she wanted and was always supportive. I give her no reason to question weather or not I would cheat on her either. Well, last month, (she goes to college in FL and we both are from NH and I live and go to school here) I drove her to florida and helped her move into her apartment and I spent an amazing 7 days there with her. The I flew home. We had many discussions about long distance relationships and I told her I would fight for her because I am not willing to let her go. I also got time off from work...one weekend a moth...to fly down there and visit her. I already bought my tickets for the 15th through the 19th. I came home and I called her everyday and she called every night. But then I noticed her mood change and she didnt soud very interested anymore when I called. Then her calls at night became more infrequent. I also picked up an her talking about this new guy she just met who seemed to be calling her as much as I do. He was taking her to dinner and watching movies alone with her. This happened all within anly two weeks!! She says she loves me but she isn't at the same level I am. But she says she loves me and she really cares about me. However, after a long emotional talk, she told me she needs time and space and she said that I can't call or write at all untill she can "figure things out." It's been two days today and I still havent heard anything. Should I be worried? I don't know what to do. She says there is nothing I can do because it's her. Is this relationship that I adore more than anything in the world over. I'm not ready for this. I love her so much. What do I do??? Do I still fly down there?? I need help...reassurence...something...PLEASE.:lmao:

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Well heres somethings you don't want to hear... sorry.


My Guess is your GF has met someone else and while she does Love you and care about you, she isn't in Love with you... which IMO is what she was telling you when she said she isn't at the level you are regarding feelings.


There really isn't a lot you can do... the 2 of you are LD and she's already made the decision that she wants a break....


As hard as that is, I would give her that...


Hang in there

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I think she found someone who seduced her and allowed her to forget you.

That in itself is a bad sign. But, I'm sure if you still wanted her.. if you tried hard enough, you could get her back. But it would take a lot of work. If you really want it to work out, be confident, patient, and persistent. And, realize that she may be with other people until she finally realizes you're the one for her. good luck :confused:

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Hey my friend, I'm real sorry about your situation--things change after you move away from someone. It's happening to me now and it's already happened to you. I wonder if you've talked to her since you posted, but I would begin the process of moving on. You'll be in a stronger position for when/if she talks to you again. I know you dont have a lot of experience falling in love, but I can absolutely guarantee you that it gets better over time -- and sometimes sooner than you think.

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