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why did my ex gf UNblock from Instagram?

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After watching her stories one too many times I was blocked from her account

I never followed her but I do like to know see her pictures ( She dumped me yes I have unresolved issues still, its been 2 years )


I do not message

I do not like

or leave any evidence I was there


so she blocked me like 6 months ago

so when i would go to her profile I essentially get a bad link or error page


( my secondary account verified that her profile did not change at all)


4 weeks ago i texted her wishing her a happy birthday ( "Happy birthday, I wish you the best")


Following day she replies to me thanks me but tells me I should not contact her

( that is her right to have these feelings... ok moving on)


But then recently through my primary IG account I can access her profile again?


what gives?


I just want to know why she would unblock me..... please and thank you

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Another possibility is that she removed the block to see if you would start stalking her social media again, which is exactly what happened.


I sympathize with anyone who goes through the hurt and rejection of being dumped, but it's been two years now and you still don't seem to have let this go. It's almost sounds compulsive. It doesn't sound healthy for either of you.


If you aren't friends and have nothing to do with each other anymore, it doesn't seem that appropriate to be sending her birthday wishes, especially after she blocked you.


I know it is hard to let go, but at some point you have to respect her decision and move on.

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