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A weird reaction??


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I'm really interested to hear opinions of others on what seems like a bizarre reaction. Any input would be much appreciated :)


So I was telling someone about an uncomfortable incident within an old friendship group. This incident involved a girl having breathing difficulties that came on suddenly overnight, similar to an asthma attack and was trying to position herself in a way to open up her lungs the best. Her friend next to her during that night tried to hit on her and attempted to slide his hands under her clothes.


I thought this was predatory and creepy.

The guy who heard this story responded with 'can't blame a guy for trying lol'. He is 25 years of age.


Am I being OTT in having a horrified reaction to his comment? I just find it so creepy. I could excuse it if it's an instance of toxic masculinity making him think a funny comment is 'banter' but this just seems...inexcusable. Any opinions?

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Yeah seems quite callous - And you should your opinion be known


I did, I told him it wasn't funny and that yes, you can blame the guy especially cus the girl said 'no' few times previously.


He replied with 'oh okay then'.

It's just changed my outlook on this friend so much that I can barely look at him in the same way. Am I being harsh in not being able to look past this?

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No not harsh at all. But for the sake of the friendship I think you should tell him exactly how you feel - A good friendship can handle this. And maybe or hopefully you can talk it out

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He's a predator. He was preying on the weak. Inexcusable. You might want to tell that young lady you didn't like what he was doing to her so she doesn't think all of you are the same. Though she may blame you for not intervening, but you can tell her you just didn't know what to make of it and had to think about it.

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