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My girlfriend[24] broke up with me [26] last week. Said she is pregnant today.

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Hi, my girlfriend of three years dumped me out of the blue last week saying that she had feelings for someone else. At the time. I thought the relationship was going perfect. I was heartbroken and devastated. But, In the end. I wished her all the best in the future and started no contact. As a way to move on and recover.


I woke up this morning to a text message saying "I took a pregnancy test due to being late. It came back positive. You know it's yours". She also sent me a picture of the test on whatsapp. What do I do guys? I feel like she cheated on me and thought this other guy was the dad. He probably did not want to know. So, I am backup. How do I deal with this? I am so confused right now :(

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“You know it’s yours”


Sounds like she’s trying to convince herself.


I’d be going strict NC until you have a paternity test. I hope this kid isn’t yours for your sake...

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We only used protection in the beginning. We both had sti check ups afew months into the relationship and she was 90% sure that she could not have children. As she had tried for years in a previous relationship. So, we did not see much problems in not using protection and at the time. I had no reason not to trust her. It just seems so convenient that she dumped me last week for someone else and now she is pregnant with "my" kid.


Yes, her exact words were. "You know it's yours". I found it strange also.

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"I took a pregnancy test due to being late. It came back positive. You know it's yours".


Paternity test first and foremost. If it's truly yours then you'll have to take responsibility.


I'll tell you a story. My gf is dating a man that raised a child until he was 4 years old only to find out that his son is from another man. The mother lied and said it was his because she knew the man that she was cheating with would not take responsibility.

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"With all due respect, no, I do not 'know it's mine' since you left me for someone else. But, if you decide to keep the baby and a paternity test proves I'm the father, I will do my part to take care of the baby."


End of story. Don't engage.

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Thanks for the advice guys. She is now telling me that there was no one else and she split up with me and made up someone else because of mood swings. I am going to get a paternity test as soon as physically possible. Be there for the child if it is mine. But, I want nothing to do with her.

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Thanks for the advice guys. She is now telling me that there was no one else and she split up with me and made up someone else because of mood swings. I am going to get a paternity test as soon as physically possible. Be there for the child if it is mine. But, I want nothing to do with her.


Her words have no weight. She's lost all integrity. She doesn't get to now spew words that work for her and expect you to just believe her.


Good for you. I hope all his works out for you.

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Thanks for the advice guys. She is now telling me that there was no one else and she split up with me and made up someone else because of mood swings. I am going to get a paternity test as soon as physically possible. Be there for the child if it is mine. But, I want nothing to do with her.


Unless she is a tad on the insane side and has a history of telling wild tales, she is lying through her teeth.


I think your fears that she slept with someone else are correct, or she wouldn't have pre-empted her announcement with "you know it's yours" when you hadn't yet asked her that.


You are going to need a DNA test, OP. You can't trust her.

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Wow 24 years old and the girl who dumped you is probably pregnant with your child. You're going to be connected to her for the next 20 years or so and probably on the hook for 100's of thousands in support during that time.



Pray for it not being yours, and failing that, for a miscarriage or maybe talk to her about giving it up one way or the other, from abortion to adoption.

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