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I cant believe this !!!

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My best friend (girl) is getting married! She is marrying a man whom she fights with all the time, and they argue more than they talk.


We went out clubbing a week ago, and she saw her ex - all she could talk about for the next week was having sex with him - she kissed him in the club !!


ALSO, she was going to elope with him this weekend, she told me and then she decided that she didnt want to marry him, and then in the next week she decides that she is going to marry him in 5 months!!!!


Whats up with this ??????????????????????????


And why do I feel bad ?????????

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1. "Whats up with this ??????????????????????????"


She is very immature and certainly not ready for marriage. She probably got engaged because it was something new to do. Let's hope she cancels it soon...or that her fiance finds out she kissed an ex at the club and wants to have sex with him.


2. "And why do I feel bad ?????????"


Because you choose to. Choose to feel just fine and let others be in charge of their lives...and you be in charge of yours.


Let's hope your friend grows up before she gets herself in too much trouble.

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