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started out friends, then benefits, then more

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i have known this guy for about 9months. became friends with benefits, yet he always was jealous if i was just "talking" to another guy. I really loved him and still think i do, and hes well aware of that and still came around. I never pushed him into dating and so forth, but recently he decided to go out and date this other girl and he told me they are together. The thing is he hasnt dated in so long, said he never would again, and he also tells that to everyone. I know he cared about me,and others said he did to. He use to drop everything to just hang out with me. Him and I been through alot together as well, boy oh boy have we ever. But he always came back around. I always treated him with the upmost respect(except one time i blew up at him for disrespecting me). Recently since he told me he was sleeping with her, i went and got tested for everything(he was the only one i been with when i was with him). I sent him the results(they were negative) along with the brochure of STD's, i had to do it, so he knew that i was clean and couldnt throw anything ever in my face. Also to show that i respect myself to stick to one person, unlike him. I told him its not safe to have multiple partners and he should see the risks, as well as hurting others. I know he cares, maybe he was just telling me that he was with this girl to anger me, because him and i have gotten closer and he started to turn around. I dont know what to think, its been really frusterating. I havent talk to him in three weeks and im not calling him either. Has anyone been in this kind of situation before and its turned out for the better or worse? It sucks, and hurts. :( :(

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Well as much as it sucks and I know it hurt's this is the risk everyone who chooses to get into a FWB deal takes...


IMO If a Guy doesn't think I'm good enough to have a relationship with then I'm going to have to pass on the benefits and decide that he isn't good enough for me to share my body with...


This is always the danger of a FWB... typically one person wants more and if the other party isn't willing to give that, someone gets hurt.


At this point keep up the NC... see if he was really even your friend then again IMO he wouldn't want to hurt you... and he is.


Hang in there and know you deserve someone who wants to be in a relationship with you not just get some benefits.....


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