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when is it no longer flirting

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Where is the line what makes it no longer flirting? What is considered to be flirting? What is considered no longer be flirting? HELP!

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What is considered no longer be flirting? HELP!

when there is genital to genital contact....or genital to mouth :lmao:

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When someone does something that they know their partner would not approve of if they were there to see it or hear it. Everyone knows when the line has been crossed, they may not admit it but they do.


Any sexual discussion, contact, or physical/ verbal messages, is all crossing the line.

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you've crossed the line when you begin to question where it was drawn. in other words, if you have to ask, you have probably crossed over.

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When someone does something that they know their partner would not approve of if they were there to see it or hear it. Everyone knows when the line has been crossed, they may not admit it but they do.


Any sexual discussion, contact, or physical/ verbal messages, is all crossing the line.



Does it cross the line when it is something that would hurt your spouse, or when it is any of the other things you mentioned. Let's not forget, everyone has different standards, and that is the foundation of the original question.

I like the response that said, you know when you've crossed the line.


I will say that behavior that causes jealousy in early marriage, ends up being comedy material for us long termers!

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This is a very interesting question--one that I have asked myself more than once and usually when I was bothered by someone's behaviour. It is a complex subject. I could just say that it is when you cross the boundaries of your SO. The hitch with that is, perhaps, knowing those boundaries as the SO in question may not be completely sure of them either. There is also the niggling situational issues. Certain settings are perceived as more threatening than others. In fact, there have been times when I have asked myself why one episode bothered me while another of equal or more outrageous flirting did not. What was different about the one that upset me? I can't say that it was what was said. Perhaps the body language was different or maybe there was highly charged chemistry going on? A seriousness on the part of one of the players that wasn't there in the other situations?


I think that often we have that gut feeling happening that tells us that there is something different happening. It is something that we need to pay attention to--we are being warned of risk. I am not just referring to those who are feeling jealous but also to those who are the ones doing the flirting. We are aware when we are playing with fire and will come up with all kinds of excuses to continue. We risk losing what we have, hurting people that we care about without really knowing what we will get in return. In short, it is a gamble. So why do we do this? Is it for the thrill?


I do believe that there is innocent flirting but I know that there is dangerous flirting where, intentionally or not, it leads to pain and misery for everyone involved.

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