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Sex Buddies Understanding

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For all of us who are looking for great relationships, we shouldn't settle for anything as low as a sex buddy. Practice dating good people and being happy. Eventually, that's all we'll know how to do.


For all the sex buddy offenders, please stick to your own kind. Don't mingle with anyone who isn't like you. Practice being in shallow, non-loving relationships. Eventually, that's all you'll know how to do.


TUDOR, Close minded people do have closed mouths. :laugh: They are the ones who don't post anything on forums like this. I think all Loveshack subscribers have open mindes and are entitled to there own opinions. And if we all didn't read them and share them, we wouldn't get various sides of issues.



I jumped, now what :p

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TUDOR, Close minded people do have closed mouths. :laugh: They are the ones who don't post anything on forums like this. I think all Loveshack subscribers have open mindes and are entitled to there own opinions. And if we all didn't read them and share them, we wouldn't get various sides of issues.



I jumped, now what :p


While I agree with you on the first paragraph, your second sentence, while maybe trying to be playful, looks like nothing more than to entice irritability out of him. Is that what you're aiming for?

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TUDOR, Close minded people do have closed mouths. :laugh: They are the ones who don't post anything on forums like this. I think all Loveshack subscribers have open mindes and are entitled to there own opinions. And if we all didn't read them and share them, we wouldn't get various sides of issues.



I jumped, now what :p


Saucey....I like that! I encourage any and all opinions but that is exactly what they are because I have yet to see any professionals kicking their words of wisdom around here. But you my opinionated friend crossed the line when you took your opinion of your distaste for FWB relationships and started labeling people you know nothing about as cold and hateful. It's one thing to disagree with one's choices but there was no reason to take it to depths of telling people to stick to their own kind. Who are you to cast judgement on any one? Little qoute for ya "let those with out sin cast the first stone"....sound familar?


Have you ever even been in FWB relationship? I mean how is it you have so much to say if you never even been there? Do I since a bit of sexual frustration on your end...maybe you should look into a FWB and rid yourself of this bitter sexual frustration you have. ;)

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Have you ever even been in FWB relationship? I mean how is it you have so much to say if you never even been there? Do I since a bit of sexual frustration on your end...maybe you should look into a FWB and rid yourself of this bitter sexual frustration you have. ;)



Hahahahahhaha :lmao:

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:bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny:

:bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny:

:bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny:

:bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny:

:bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny: :bunny:

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"let those with out sin cast the first stone"


Then a woman stepeth forward and throweth a stone with great might.


Then Jesus sayeth unto the woman "Mother! you're always ruining my gigs".




Sorry, off topic... but I can't help it.

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There is quite a difference between FWB's and an Open marraige.


I think the open marraige is like glass of ice water while standing on the surface of the Sun....totally useless.


I have had FWB .


How does it happen ? You get involved with someone , develop feelings and then that person wants to take a break.


You both enjoyed the sex and for some dumb reason you agree to keep having sex. Is it right ? Is it wrong ? Its only what the 2 people consider it to be and then later , one of them wakes up and realizes that they are both on strings...waiting for something better....when it comes along POOF ! No more FWB.


Does it make me cold and cruel ? DO I feel bad ? Well only in the sense that I wanted more....but we were not ( for whatever reason ) headed down the same paths.


Thats how FWB's develop.


I am currently not seeing my FWB and have decided to be celibate ( just kidding ) But currently not FWB'ing at this time.


Would I do it again ? Hard to say . Its not my most fav thing to do and I am looking for a relationship but sometimes you both agree the sex was good....and there ya go ...One LS member who will admit that she FWB'd....

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  • 3 months later...

OK, so I am a first time FWB participant. Here is my take coming from both sides. My FWB and I went out a couple times, and we work together. I just got my heart shattered in a serious relationship, and he recently came out of a long-term relationship. Neither of us are ready to go into anything because for one, my life force is drained at this point. And two, he is still young and unsure of where he is going in life. But honestly, I think we both miss the contact, sexual and otherwise. Surprise, the FWB concept is born. We have been upfront with each other about our beliefs (we are both GOOD people) and we do not want to hurt anyone. He is nothing more than a good looking friend whom I can express myself freely around, and vise versa. Our only expectation is that when one or both of us chooses to date another, we will end the benefit portion of our relationship. It is actually a blessing right now, as I feel there are no expectations or pressure, just two people passing a chapter of their life. Are we robots or animals? Well, maybe animals occasionally but that doesn't mean we are not experiencing something fulfilling in our lives. We just know that neither of us are going for long term with each other or anyone else, but we want to enjoy each others company in many ways. Are we using each other?? Yes, absolutely, but keep in mind that humans do this all the time. To use another is not always a negative act. I believe marriages are two individuals using each other to build a life together, etc. Relationships are using each other for various reasons, hence FWB IS a type of relationship, and it is not always just sexual. I believe he is a kind and considerate man, and I am a respectful woman, regardless of what others interpretation of FWB is. It is a stress free relationship that I am enjoying right now, and if either of us had feelings which evolved, I think there would be respect for the other to let them go graciously. Eventually, when I feel ready to pursue a relationship, I will end the benefit portion. For him, he will end it as he chooses. It's funny, but I think this is a most gratifying time in my life, as I am not going to sit here and fantasize about this man being a husband or the father of my children. I know that nothing will come of this except memories, but isn't everything we partake in just that? To end this, to each his or her's own, but I am not opposed to FWB as long as both parties know where they are coming from, and where they are NOT going to go together!!

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FWB's can work out great if both in agreement. But sometimes ( surprise !) you or he develops feelings. Then it gets sticky. Usually one does and the other is still " What-the-heck-I-like-the-no-strings-attached-thing " In which case one of you can get hurt.


The more experienced you become with the FWB world the more you know its sometimes okay for a physical interlude that really does not go anywhere and you both are in agreement of that...

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