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Do you believe in happy endings?


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After a bad breakup is there really hope for a happy ending. We both still love each other so much that it would be a shame to loose something so special.


I wonder how many relatinships are mended and thrive.

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yes....it is called death.


:lmao: :lmao:


I dunno I guess if 2 people love each other anything is possible BUT got to say I've not seen BOTH people love each other so much and still break up... usually it's ONE person who loves the other so much and the other is luke warm to it....

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they have happy endings at the massage parlor down the street from me and i sure do believe in that!!:D :D ;) ;) :D :D

:lmao: :lmao:


There is no such thing as a happy ending. It's all an illusion. Nobody is actually happy, they just pretend to be.

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